The Guilt Of Faliure Is A Product Of Unforgivevness

Start from the beginning

   "Mmmh, not yet," he groaned. Dave shivered at the heat, definitely not at Karkat's words. Totally.
Sighing, he let himself be spooned from behind, not complaining once. They stayed in bed for a few minutes, before Dave's stomach started complaining again. Sighing, Karkat sat up.

   "Come on, Strider. Let's get something for you to eat before your acid sack starts imploding on itself, like some sort of meow beast eating it's own tail." Dave screwed his face in confusion at the over complicated, Alternian terminology, chuckling.

   "Dude, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," the blond said as he got up and stretched. His shoulders and back popped, he sighed in relief.

    "So, what do y-," Dave stopped mid-sentence when he turned around and saw the look on the young troll's face. He looked horrified.

   "What, the bulge sucking, shameglobe fondling fuck do you think you're doing!?" It took him a few seconds to understand, but when he did, Dave was laughing like a maniac. Karkat scowled, "what's so damn funny?!"

    "Yohohou," Dave wheezed through laughter. Once he finally calmed down, Dave sat back down on the bed.

    "I was just cracking my back" he grinned, as if he should be proud.

Karkat looked concerned for only a second, "cracking? But cracking joints hurts!" Karkat shuttered at the memory of his shoulder being dislocated and relocated.

    "It's not literal cracking, Karkles. It's just a term for making them pop, it's relaxing," Dave explained.

Karkat scoffed, "doesn't sound relaxing."

    "Well, if it bothers you so much, I won't do it anymore," he smiled.

Karkat sighed in relief, muttering a quick, "thanks."

    "Now come on, I think I might collapse if I don't get some AJ in my system." Dave ranted as he made the short walk across his room to the freezer. Since the incident with his Bro, he started stashing more food in his mini fridge to avoid seeing him. Hopefully things cooled off later in the month.

   That reminds him, his birthday is in 2 weeks now.
Not that it mattered at all, he already had his present. Maybe bro would get him a cupcake this year.

   Dave tossed a bottle of water and a pre made sandwich, getting his juice and a bag of Doritos for himself. He was sure his diet was beyond unhealthy, but he made up for it with his super rad vitamin gummies. Which he also doubted actually worked.

    "Dave, are you seriously going to eat more chips for lunch? Breakfast is ridiculous but doing it twice in a row is down right insanity. Go back to the fridge and get something healthier right the fuck now," he crossed his arms.

    Dave grumbled, but ended up doing it anyways. Flopping down on the bed beside the eating troll, Dave took a bite of his apple. Karkat scoffed, "really Dave? Need some apple juice to wash down that apple?"

   Dave just shrugged, taking a sip of his precious AJ. A beep coming from his computer broke the comfortable silence. The blond stood up to retrieve the laptop and sat back down on his bed. He opened his Pesterlog.

— — gardenGnostic [GG] started pestering turntechGodhead [TG] at 13:04 — —

GG: hey dave! are you busy today at all? :)
GG: because i was thinking we could hang. we havent seen each other in a while!

TG: Nope. I'm totally, 1000% free with nothing to do other than be bored. What where you thinking of doing Harley?

GG: well i was thinking we could meet up with john and rose and we could all play laser tag.

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