Chapter Two-Keith

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When I woke up the room was much larger than I remember it being. My arms weren't hanging from the roof anymore either, rather they were held against the wall behind me, preventing any movement from me.

I started to wrestle the chains that connected me to the wall, but was stopped by a strike of pain shooting through my arms. Whatever Lotor had shocked me with caused more damage than I thought.

I tried to stand up, but my legs had gone numb so they were of no use. I glanced down at my feet, noticing they didn't have any chains around them, but with my hands so closely chained to the wall, it made no difference if my feet were chained or not.

The door to the room started to slide open, causing the purple lights to filter inside and stun my eyes. I blinked one eye open and saw a tall figure standing in the doorway. It wasn't Lotor, thank god, but rather someone else that looked familiar. I couldn't see whoever it was clearly, but I hoped it wasn't someone coming to hurt me.

The woman wore a large baggy cloak that covered her head, not exposing any of her features. I couldn't tell if she was Galra or not, but this was a Galra ship so I suspect she was one.

The woman walked up to me and grasped my neck with her rough hands and began squeezing.

" Where are your friends hiding? I won't tolerate any lying," she hissed.

" Ha," I choked through her strong grasp, " I won't lie, because I won't be saying anything." At the end of my sentence my voice immediately cracked because she started to grind her hand mercilessly against my throat blocking any airway.

" Speak, or I will kill you," she brought her other hand down to my neck and doubled her forces.

" I'm too valuable to you," I choked out as I began stuggling, trying to get my hands to my neck so I could release the pressure.

" No, you're not, if you don't speak I have no use for you, you're worthless to our mission," she pushed my head against the wall causing a loud thunk.

I desperatally tried to resist, but nothing would work against this devil woman. My strength began to leave me, having my hands fall back against the wall. Was I going to die here? At that moment, Lance's face popped into my head, why? I felt peace fill my soul, knowing I would die protecting him made me...happy.

I weakly smiled as the woman above me released her grasp. A loud coughing sound released from my throught and echoed through the dark room. She didn't kill me. I was valuable to the mission.

She swiftly scurried out of the room with a horrifying aura surrounding her, but when the doors opened Lotor was standing outside obviously unaware of what had just happened.

She hissed at him as she pushed past him and slipped down the hallway leaving Lotor looking at me in horror.

I probably looked terrafying. I could feel the saliva running down my chin and the pulsating marks left on my neck. My eyes were drooping from just waking up to being almost killed, and my mouth was hanging open.

" Disgusting," Lotor muttered as he entered the room. He looked down at me, hate filling his eyes as he pulled out the remote again.

My whole body shook, by the end of this torture, would I even be me anymore? Lance....Lance, please come, I want to see your face.

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