"Why would you do that Veronica? Why would you take pity on a baby angel?" Meloras questioned with narrowed eyes.

"Because I'm not a full demon, come on, don't be stupid. No full demon would waste the opportunity to kill such an innocent soul." She rolled her eyes and rested her chin on her hand. "My mother was human. I'm not going into my backstory, so don't ask more." It was a sensitive subject for her.

"So, who is Milokan's father?" Jeronah asked.

Veronica shrugged.

"Some angel called Zachariah, I think. I overheard that freak of an angel talking about it with Lucifer. She laughed at what she did to him. If I had the chance to bring her back, I would kill her all over again, just to hear her scream."

"Zachariah," Jeronah breathed in shock. He knew that Zachariah has been with his soulmate for longer than the age of Milokan, and he would never betray his soulmate by having a child with another person, it wasn't possible for them to commit such a sin. "She forced him to... to- my God!" He looked furious. "That is awful, just awful!"

"I know." Veronica picked at the crack in the wood with her thumb.

"Doesn't Zachariah live in the other world?" Meloras asked. "The world I assume the boys are in now?"

"Yes," Jeronah nodded with a sudden change of excitement. "Maybe Milokan can meet him, his father!"

* * * * *

Kaiden's eyes followed Milokan as he paced the bedroom. He was ringing his hands, and if he were human, he would have a nervous sweat on his forehead. The angel barely made a sound on the floor, but the wood sometimes creaked under his feet.

"What if he doesn't like me?" Milokan asked and faced Kaiden, his eyes wide and worried.

"He will."

Milokan turned and nodded to himself. He continued to pace before squeaking, "What if he changes is mind and doesn't want me in his life?"

"He won't."

"What if he yells at me?"

"I won't let him."

"Do you think he'll be disappointed?" Milokan brushed down his t-shirt, wishing he was a little taller with a bit more muscle.

"Not at all."

The night had been like this, Milokan panicking and Kaiden trying to calm him down with his blunt answers.

"Does my hair look okay? I think I look messy."

"You look fine." Kaiden stood up and walked over when it was clear that the angel was getting worse. He took a firm hold on his shoulders. "Zachariah is in no position to judge you, and I don't think he will. He is an angel; I'd be surprised if he showed anything other than the overbearing love that you have."

Panuleon had knocked on their door half an hour ago, asking if he could go and collect Zachariah for them to meet. Panuleon waited for the sun to rise and his soulmate to have breakfast before doing so. It was now quarter past eleven in the morning, and Milokan's nerves have been on a steady decrease ever since.

"What if he doesn't like you?"

"Nobody likes me," Kaiden scoffed. "So what if he doesn't, it won't affect how he feels about you so stop overthinking it."

A gentle tap on the door stopped any words from exiting Milokan's mouth as he pursed his lips together and made an unusual noise. If anxiety had a sound, that would be it.

"Just breathe," Kaiden mumbled and walked over to the door. He took a breath himself and pulled it open, revealing Panuleon with Corey in his arms. His wings were out like he had just landed. Kaiden glanced behind him to a man who he assumed was Zachariah. Not an ounce of judgement was in Zachariah's eyes, not even when Kaiden glared. Panuleon was right, Milokan looked like him.

"May we come in?" Corey asked politely.

Kaiden leant further out of the room and shut the door against himself.

"He's freaking out so if I tell you to leave, you better do as I say," he growled.

"Of course," Panuleon nodded.

Kaiden glanced again at the man behind him, noticing a woman there too, clinging to his arm. The demon turned to let them in, knowing Milokan would have heart failure if he kept him waiting.

Milokan was biting hard on his bottom lip. If he applied any more pressure, he would chew straight through it. He couldn't remember the last time he blinked while gazing at the unfamiliar face. When the strangers stare locked with his, the face wasn't so unfamiliar after all.

"Milokan?" the man whispered. The young angel nodded, studying his face. "I'm Zachariah." His weak voice proved he was overwhelmed too.

When Kaiden turned back to his soulmate, Milokan was breathing fast, and his cheeks flushed from his tired body. His fingers were so tightly combined, they were turning white. The angel took a step back and he wobbled. The demon knew exactly what was going to happen and rushed forwards when the angel's eyes rolled back in his head and his legs gave up. He caught Milokan who had fainted into his arms. The angel had been left to think about the situation for too long and was now out of his depth, and his mind shut down.

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