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I want to fade away
Forget who I was yesterday
Forget the memories we made
Forget everything letter we wasted

I need chemistry
There's no other remedy
I need chemistry
You were just too empty to love me
I need chemistry
Not another deceiving enemy

I want to float up to space
Forget every lyric of your name
Forget that I thought we'd never change
Forget how I knew a star with a name

I need chemistry
There's no other remedy
I need chemistry
You were just too empty to love me
I need chemistry
Not another deceiving enemy

You've made it rain
You never knew more than my name
You pretended you'd keep me safe
And dug me the deepest grave
You'll never change
I hoped one day you'd feel the same
I've wasted so much time on a phantom plane

I need chemistry
There's no other remedy
I need chemistry
You were just too empty to love me
I need chemistry
Not another deceiving enemy

I want you
I need you
I feel you
But you're on to someone new

The Space Between The Sand And The Sea By NailinthewallWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt