Gabriel A.K.A the Principal ^

·Gabriel's pov·

I fix my tie sitting on chair behind my desk. I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose seeing all the paperwork for transfer students.

"Mr. King?" I hear my assistant knocking on my door.

"Ugh, come in Laurence. " I say annoyed. He always comes in when im NOT in the mood.
I tap my fingers on my glass desk as I see him rush in.
"Well what is it?!" I shouted.

"S-sir you have an i-important meeting at 1 o'clock"

I sighed and look at my watch.
"Laurence its not even 12 yet. Whatever just make sure to call my brother to schedule tonight."

I slicked my hair with my hands and got up. I looked at the file of transfers. I think ill stay and look over these.

"Laurence, I am busy. But ill join the meeting as soon as I can."
I sat back down.

"B-but sir I-its important-"

Laurence yelped and ran out my office as he closes the door. I sigh.

"Calm down Gabriel. Calm down." I tell myself. I clenched my fists and started looking at some files.

Ross Winchester

Tiana Rutherford


"She doesn't have a last name?"
I looked at her file and only saw age, side profile picture, and where she is from. Hm..

I start reading aloud. "Parents died when 7 years of age, under government officials she is guidanced."

"Poor girl..." was all I could say. It was more to it then her parents died. They both were drug and alcohol users.

My heart aches knowing this beautiful young girl has no one. I want to hug her and embrace her small body and tell her im there for her.

I put down the file and got up walking out of my office. I saw the door number of her class. Ms. Abe is such an annoying teacher. Always trying to seduce me into having sex with her. But she's more of a dominate woman. No dominate woman is what I want.

Hopefully she got that after I turned her down for the 20th time.

As I saw it was 12, then the children must be at lunch.
I walked over into the cafeteria seeing all the students. I roll my eyes in disgust. "Ugh, teenagers"
As I look around inside I don't see Athena anywhere.

I turned around bumping into...

"O-oh my god im s-so sorry sir h-here l-let me-"
She grabbed papertowels and tried cleaning my shoes and shirt she spilt from her food tray.

I smiled seeing her rush and panic. I gently grabbed her hand and making her look up at me.
"Athena, let me." she blushed, which I find adorable. As I clean her shirt and uniform skirt, I looked up at her and she's still blushing and she's nibbling on her lips.

"Darling," I looked her in the eyes. Her cheeks seem to be lighter pink. I caress her cheeks with my thumb gently and smile, "Be careful little one, you could have slipped and gotten hurt."
She flutters her eyes and tries speaking. But stutters. So cute.
"T-thank y-you sir"

"Of course darling, anytime "
I pat her head and leave the cafeteria. As I look behind me, she quickly turns away walking away.
That's when I knew.

She's the one

·Athena's pov·

That man.. Who was he? Why was he so... Alluring? These thoughts fill my head as I walk to the table my friend Alex was at.

"Hey, Athena!" as I sit down the two girls with her surround me.
"You have a thing for the principal? !" she whisper shouted.

"WHAT?!" eyes widened. "That's the principal?! N-no I don't have a thing for him..I-i don't think I do."

"Good because he's WAY to old for you gurl." Alex said taking a bite of her apple. Another girl spat,"Oh please. Alex just has a crush on him."

I lightly raised my eyebrow and started giggling " He's WAY to old for you Alex " I mocked. We all started laughing.

At the end of school I finally want to go ask the principal for my locker number.

As the rest of the school left school, I stayed and went to go to his office.

"Calm down Athena. All you're asking is the locker number. You can do this. "
I knock on his door, hearing a deep calming voice that tells me to come in.

I opened his door slowly as it creeks. I scrunch my nose at the eery. As I see him again. He is so attractive. So alluring.

As I enter the room slowly closing the door behind me and see him smirking. Why?

"Why Athena,  it is a pleasure seeing you here darling. "
I blush at the word darling. Why is he so kind to me? Why does his presence want me to just fall on my knees.

"I-I... I c-came here t-to ask for m-my locker n-number sir.."
I tried so hard not to stutter.
As I look into his eyes, there dark, but calming and soothing. Like his touch..

I see him nod and look around his dest and he grabs a small sheet of paper. He looks at it and puts it down. He tapes the seat next to him "come here little one"
I can't help but shiver and obey at his words. I feel so weak.

As I sit next to him I fiddle with my skirt nibbling on my bottom lip. Its a bad habit I guess.

I feel his hand on my thigh caressing it caressing it, "Sweetie, because you're a new transfer, you do not have a locker. But if you would like, you can use my locker in my office. Ill make sure to give you a key to open it and I assure you no one will steal your things."

I blush as he squeezes my thigh a little squeak came out of my mouth. He caresses me again and I feel like jello. I nod, accepting his offer. I won't have to worry about people vandalizing my things and I feel more safe with the principal.

"And please flower, call me Gabriel. "
I smile at his name. It suits him. He smiles back and blush. He has a gorgeous smile. Puts my smile to shame..

"Athena, don't  you have a place to go to after school?"

"N-no sir"
I look into his eyes... He suddenly looks sad. Mad even. I wonder why..

He holds my hands caressing his thumbs on my palm. "Athena, I read your file. You don't have a family. Do you?"

I look at my hands. The mention of my family puts me into tears.

Im suddenly crying. I feel bulky arms pick me up and hold me. I continue crying and wrap my legs around Gabriel. He caresses my hair and rocks me back and forth. I feel so.. Comfortable and safe with him. I sniffle and hiccup soon I stopped crying.

I hear him chuckle at me hiccuping. "Shh little one, im here for you. Im here.."
I soon rest my hands on his chest and I feel my eyes heavy... I fell asleep in his arms.

Who knew so much can happen in one day...

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