Chapter 6

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(A/N please vote and comment. On the side is a picture of the Viper. I seriously love this car.)

It’s finally Friday and I’m waiting for Jake to say I can leave. Ryan took my things to his car and I can’t wait to get out of here. It’s nearing 12 and Jake is delaying my leaving. He’s doing it on purpose. I just know it. He’s not going to let me out of here without a fight. I do the only thing I can think of. Call his mom. I dial her number and after two rings I hear “Hello?” on the other line.

“Hey Mrs. Williams, it’s me.”

“Oh hello, Rosabella. What’s that son of mine done this time?”

“Your big shot doctor son said I could leave today but he’s delaying it.”

“So naturally you want me to set him straight.”

“If you wouldn’t mind.”

“Of course honey.”

“Thank you Mrs. Williams”

“Any time dear.”



I wait for the inevitable. I hear Luke’s dumb ring tone, that stupid squealing pig from the commercial. Then, “Yes mom”, “No mom”, “Ok mom”, “Bye mom”.  Then in walks Luke glaring at me “You called my mother?!?”

“Of course I did. You weren’t letting me leave.”

“I was busy.”

“No you weren’t, you were just being you usual annoying self.”

“Oh shut up”

“Can I leave yet?”

“Yes you can leave. As soon as your nurse and Ryan get here.”

“Finally!!!” I nearly jump with joy but can’t since I’m still severally in pain. Apparently I bruised my ribs. I throw my hair up in a quick pony tail hoping to hide the uneven ends. Ryan says I can get it fixed but it’s not the same. I guess I have to eventually. I wait for another twenty minutes for someone to come in but nothing. I search for my phone and can’t find it. Didn’t I just have that damn thing? I look around frantically praying that I didn’t lose it. Suddenly I feel it buzz and realize I’m sitting on it. (A/N I can’t count how many times I’ve done this. Actually it happened while I was writing this chapter.)Don’t know how that happened but I pull it out and see that it’s a text from Ryan Sorry had2 go 2 urz 2 get sum of ur thingz…on my way up now.

kay kay just hurry I wanna leave already. I reply back

Buzz buzz buz… okay okay im hurryin. I stick my phone into my purse and wait. A couple minutes later he walks in with my nurse, Chloe, and I slowly get off of the bed. She pushes a wheelchair over to me that I just realize she had. Chloe is about the age my mom was and I’ve really come to like her. “Do I really have to get in that thing?”

“Yes. I’m sorry sweetie but you have to.”

I crinkle my nose at the idea of being pushed in one of those things. They make me feel weak and I hate feeling weak. Ever since Danny I’ve felt weak. My whole life I was the one to face danger and stand up for what I believe in. With Danny I was scared to show enthusiasm for anything I actually liked. I had to dress how he wanted, act the way he wanted and like what he liked. I hated myself when I was with him. I was like an actor, following a script and never straying away from it. I want to be me again, strong and confident, willing to protect those I love from the evils of the world. Without Danny here I have that chance and I’m going to take it. I push myself off the bed and walk, slowly, over to the wheelchair.

A Ray Of Light in my World  of DarknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang