Lily was barely concentrating on what he was saying. He was still looking at her and she was staring at how the colours in his eyes seemed to swirl and mix like a winter sunset in the light from the fire next to them.

How can anyone have such captivating eyes?

"Marlene told me." she said, just for the sake of saying something.

James sighed, rubbing his shoulders with the heel of his palm and as if in a trance, Lily moved closer to him. She didn't know what she was doing and from the look of surprise on James's face, he didn't either.

"Turn around."

He looked confused but did as she said. Lily's hands were then on his broad shoulders, kneading and massaging the sore muscles.

What are you doing? What are you doing? What the hell are you doing, Lily?

Lily's brain seemed to have stopped working momentarily because instead of thinking about what she was doing and its consequences, she continued.

And slowly, James seemed to relax, leaning back into her hands.

"It was my fault." he said.

"That Gryffindor lost the game?" she asked, moving her hands in swirls like her mum used to do.

He was quiet for a moment. "Not just that. I talked to Dumbledore. Mulciber is on probation."

Lily's hands stilled. "Only Mulciber?"

James nodded. "He was the one who cast the curse."

Lily's mind raced back to the conversation she had with Sirius. It somehow didn't feel right. And the fact that Sirius hadn't returned to the dorm seemed to connect with everything.

"Better?" Lily asked, moving her hands away and shifting back.

"Thanks." James said, running a hand through his hair, making the wet strands stick up messily.

Lily was about to leave when James turned around, grabbing both of her hands, his long thin fingers holding hers with surprising gentleness. Lily's eyes widened, wondering what he was doing. She remembered what he had told her earlier. More confident than I've ever been.

"How are you, Lily?" he asked softly.

Lily's hands were tingling, like someone had sprinkled star dust and fairy glitter on them.

It felt like a swarm of butterflies were fluttering in her stomach and it was certainly not helping the situation.

Digest the butterflies, Lily.

"I'm fine." she said then turned to look out of the window. It was dark and possibly chilly. "More than fine in fact. I think it's the weather. It looks like it's going to rain but it's summer so it shouldn't be raining so it just looks cloudy and calm. It's the type of weather when people sit on the roof top and drink coffee and smile thinking about their first love."

Lily stopped, realizing that she was rambling and saw James looking at her, full of amusement in his ethereal eyes. "I'm sorry, I have no idea what gibberish I just spouted."

"First love?" James teased, raising an eyebrow, "How do you know what first love feels like? Like you've been in love."

"I don't know." Lily said, half truthfully. She was pretty sure she had never been in love. Not really. "Have you?"

James turned to stare out of the window, a breathtaking smile on his face. Lily could feel her pulse quicken because he looked so unreal.

"You don't know her. I knew her before I knew you." he said, surprising Lily by how affectionate and full of love he sounded, "Maybe I'll show you her some day. You'll like her. She's very lovable."

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