The James And Lily Equation

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Disclaimer : The only thing I own is my undying love for James Potter.

Too much James gifs? Nah...There can never be too much James. This gif goes with the chapter tho.


Chapter 17

"Give it back!" James said as he tried to snatch his glasses back from Lily.

She held it out of his reach. "Nope."

"You know, I can get it." James said, fishing his wand out of his back pocket.

"But you won't do that." Lily said, sweetly.

He is the only person I can manipulate. Why let go of the chance?

She pushed the glasses onto her face and turned to look at him. "Oh my god, James, you have terrible eyesight."

"Thanks." he said sarcastically, "I didn't know that."

"My eyesight isn't the best but yours really is bad." she said, patting his arm in fake concern, "I pity the poor kids who will inherit it."

"What if they don't?" he asked.

"Unless you marry a girl with really good vision, they will." she said.

"Nah, I'll just marry a girl with some sense of responsibility." he said, "You know, to maintain the equilibrium of life and all."

"Sure." she said.

Sense of responsibility? Hmm.

"Now give me my glasses." he said.

"No." she said simply.

He crossed his arms across his chest and pouted in a very Sirius like manner. Lily was sure both of them had done some kind of black magic to perfect those puppy dog eyes. She took the glasses off and put them back on his face.

"Now smile."

He did as she said and Lily found herself smiling too.

"That smile is contagious." she muttered to herself.

He jumped off the bench, waved at her and walked towards where the other Marauders were sitting.

Lily didn't notice two people in the Great Hall watching them. One of them looked at her with a mix of hurt and betrayal and walked out of the hall. The other one sat down next to her.

"So, you and James..." Marlene started.

"Stop it right there." Lily said, "I don't want to hear. Any sentence you start with those two names never ends well."

"Why not?" Marlene asked, "What's going on Lily?"

"Nothing is going on." Lily said as she searched through the containers on the table for strawberry jam.

"At least tell me you're friends."

"We're not."

"Aw, come on, Lily. You call him James." Marlene said.

"That doesn't make him my friend. I call Narcissa by her first name. Is she my friend? No."

"Lily... "

"Marlene listen, do you know what an equation is?" Lily asked, out of the blue.

Marlene frowned. "Like in arithmancy?"

Lily nodded. "James and I have our own equation. We are the constants and there is a variable."

"There's too much maths involved in this. And my poor brain cells can't handle it." Marlene said, shaking her head, "Anyway, what is this variable?"

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