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Disclaimer : I don't own any of these characters. The only profit I make from writing this is the huge smile on my face when I see a new vote or comment.


Chapter 19

On Christmas morning, Lily woke up to the beeping sound of her alarm clock. It was one of the few days when she didn't feel like chucking the clock at a wall. She pulled the curtains apart and looked out of the window. Hogwarts grounds were covered in a thick layer of snow and the harsh wind was whipping at the trees.

Walking over to the foot of her bed, she saw a huge pile of gifts. Smiling, she pulled the curtains on Marlene's four poster. Marlene was splayed out on her bed, starfish style. Kneeling on the bed, Lily shook her. Marlene mumbled "go away" and buried her face deeper in her pillow.

"Marlene, get up, it's Christmas." Lily said, shaking Marlene's shoulder.

Marlene pushed her hand away and Lily almost toppled backwards from the bed. For such a small girl, Marlene definitely was strong.

There's a reason she's on the team.

Lily tried to wake her up once more (which was useless because Marlene isn't even ticklish) and just as she was about to give up, Marlene woke up with a groan.

"Presents." she said, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah. Lots of them." Lily said.

Marlene crawled, literally crawled, out of her bed to the heap of presents. After brushing her teeth and washing the sleep out of her face, Lily went for her own pile.

She picked up the gift with the most colourful wrapping and started opening it just as someone knocked on the door.

"I'll see." Marlene said, rushing to open the door.

"Merry Christmas!" James and Sirius said in unison.

Sirius unceremoniously pushed Marlene out of the way and walked in like he owned the place. James followed him inside with lot lesser drama.

"Hello Evans, McKinnon." Sirius said, making himself comfortable on Marlene's empty bed.

Marlene picked herself up from the table she had fallen on. "How did you get in here? It's the second time now, Black."

"Marauders' secret." Sirius said, trying to sound mysterious.

James frowned. "Second time?"

Marlene and Sirius froze, then looked at each other and then back at Lily and James.

"He came up here in first year." Marlene said.

"We didn't even know how to come up in first year." James said, eyeing both of them suspiciously. He looked inquisitively at Sirius and another silent conversation passed between them. Lily made a mental note to ask them later how they communicated without words.

"I'm going to open my presents." Marlene announced and started sorting out the gift wrapped boxes.

"Did you open yours?" James asked Lily.

"No." Lily said, "Did you?"

"Yeah." he replied, "How did you know I like treacle tart?"

"How did you know I like peonies?" Lily shot back.

He shrugged. "I've practically stalked you all these years so it's not a big deal I knew it. But how did you know?"

"Your dear cousin told me." Lily said pointing at Marlene who was now trying on the new Beater's gloves Sirius had given her.

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