Back To Hogwarts

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Disclaimer : These wonderful characters belong to JK Rowling.


Chapter 5

Lily pushed the trolley through the barrier and stopped next to Marlene.

"It feels so good to be going back." Marlene said.

"Yeah." Lily agreed staring at the scarlet train.

She could feel the same excitement she had felt the first day she had stepped on to that train. Nothing was the same now but for a brief moment Lily felt like she was the naive eleven year old girl again.

Only if things could go back to being that simple.

Her thoughts were interrupted when someone shouted in her ear.

"How many times have I told you not to shout in my ear, Black?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at Sirius who smirked in return.

"Did you miss me?" he asked nudging Lily's shoulder, grey eyes filled with mischief.

"Of course, Black." Lily played along. "I had to cry myself to sleep because I couldn't see your beautiful face."

Sirius smirked. "I knew you missed me. But, you're not the only one, you know?"
He turned to Marlene and she instinctively stepped back.

"You will not hug me." she warned. "I don't want to be suffocated to death before I have tasted all the Every Flavor Beans and built my own personal unlimited cheese supply."

"That sounds like Moony's plan of building his unlimited chocolate fountain." Peter said, walking up to them, Remus and James right behind him.

"That was originally Lily's idea." Remus said, "I stole it from her."

Lily smiled. "I will sue you for the copyrights."

"You got a cat?" Remus asked, noticing the open basket.

"It was a gift." Lily said.


"Some anonymous person who was really sorry for something he did."

Remus looked confused for a moment before he smiled fondly at the cat. Sirius meanwhile got into an intense staring contest with Hazel.

"What's its name?" James asked.

"Hazel." Lily said and she saw James's hazel eyes widen a bit.

She swore under her breath. She had completely forgotten that he has hazel eyes. Now he would come up with some ridiculous theory that she was madly in love with him or something.

"That's nice." he said, his eyes not leaving Lily's. Lily was surprised that he didn't comment about the name. And something really seemed wrong with him. She had noticed that from the end of last term.

Why do I care?

"Where's your owl?" Remus asked.

"Left him with mum." Lily replied.

"So, see you around, girls." Sirius said, "We have some Marauder business to do."

With one last disgusted look in Hazel's direction, Sirius walked away followed by the others. Lily knew that 'Marauder business' was a euphemism for 'upto something'.

Lily and Marlene joined Alice, Mary, Daisy and Hestia in their usual compartment.

"Frank is head boy." Alice said, positively glowing. She had cut her hair shorter and it fell to her shoulder in ringlets.

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