2-Good Luck

539 11 40

I have nothing to say to you but... Good luck!

{Early Rising Morning}

The Oliver look-alike held the chainsaw in one hand and covered your mouth with the other and said with an oh-so familiar voice:

"If you scream again, I shall penetrate you with my-"

The look-alike then paused for a moment and thought-

"No, penetrate can't be the right word...hmmmmm...."

You took this opportunity to kick the look-alike off you. So, you arched your leg up, powered up all the force you had in your body, and kicked the look-alike.

Oh, did he go flying! He hit the wall with one of your (anime/name) posters on it. In response to this, the poster then fell on the person's head. While they were groaning in pain, you pulled out your (small weapon/name) and went towards the person.

But, before you could even strike, they started chuckling and said:

"Bloody hell, heh- that was a first! Ow..."

You then went towards them with boldness and confidence and pointed the (small weapon name) at them.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my house?!"

"I thought for sure you would know who I am by now" the look-alike then lifted the poster from his head and made sure you got a good look at their face.

"N-no... There's no way! This can't be possible! Y-your- really- O-O-Oliv-" you were now thinking how much concentration it took for you to plan an escape and didn't even realize how much the person looked like oliver. Sure, you were directly below them a moment ago but, you didn't directly acknowledge their looks.

"Yes, i'm Oliver you stuttering mess. Now-"

You cut them off before he could say anything else, "how did you even get here?"

"That's not the important thing of the matter-now"

"Tell me, right now!" You half-yelled at them.

They then gave you an innocent look: "why do I have to?" That innocence just turned into spite, "And stop cutting me off!"

You then mocked them: "why do I have to?" and started cracking up.

"Listen here mate-" they was then cut off again but this time, by your mother: "(Y/N), honey! You okay up there? " You froze and couldn't move or speak. "I'm coming up there!"

Without thinking, you shoved Oliver in your closet and locked your closet door.....

Your mom came in

"(Y/N), what was all that racket? It sounded like another person was in here..."

"That was just my um... Phone! You know how I love really REALLY loud music!!! Eheh hehe eh..." (Crap...)

Your mom then looked all around the room then narrowed her eyes-

"(Y/N).... You don't usually keep your closet door shut.... And locked."

"I just have something really, really, valuable in there! Mhhhhm!!!!" (Yeah, a valuable british brat..)

"Hmmmm... Well, i'll respect your privacy, I also have to go to work. I'll see you later hon" she planted a kiss on your head and went back downstairs to go to work.

"It's already seven? Jeez..."

You unlocked your closet door and opened it to reveal Oliver, waiting patiently. It was quiet for a moment

[Oliver X Reader] The British Brat That Came From My ComputerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat