1-Never Leave Vocaloid Tabs Open

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Before we continue on with this story I just wanna say... Most of the pictures i'll be using are from my house, and I just draw Oliver doodles in them. So- yeah. Also, this was just gonna be a self-experiment but I thought: W h y n o t p u t i t i n t o a s t o r y ? One more thing, I made you kinda young in this so... Yeah! You are restricted to curse but you can floop the finger and say hell. I'm gonna stop talking now, bye-bye reader-chan/kun/senpai/sama~!


It was a normal day, (at least for you at the moment) you were on your computer looking up things on youtube. Everything was fine and dandy, you listened to a few vocaloid songs, danced to MMDs, you even sang of few songs no matter how loud you were.

You were having a blast until you saw in the recommended... The vocaloid you were forbidden from. You were shook at the sight of him because of how long it's been since you heard his voice. But then you thought...

"Maybe just one little song..."

Then you clicked the video...

Then you started doing research...

Then you were looking up his voice bank...

{Early Rising Morning}

Later, all your computer data was filled with Oliver. You were in an Ollie-craze until your computer completely shut-down due to everything up.

"There is no way I could've been on the computer that long!" You looked outside to see it was black/blue and empty. After this, you immediately grabbed your phone to check what time it was...

"Frickkkk! It's 3:00! Wait... I don't have school! So WOO!" You shouted.

You were celebrating because of how lucky you were that you didn't do all that on a school night. Until... You heard struggling but you had no idea where it was coming from. You looked all around you, a little frightened by the sound.

You then saw that your computer was shaking violently and rapidly (even though it wasn't even on) so you jumped out of your chair and just stared at your computer.

"What the hell?! Is this thing possessed?!" You yelled aloud.

As soon as you said that, the computer stopped shaking and a head popped out. The head had blonde hair, a golden eye, and a bandage on one of the creature's eyes! It looked like the vocaloid Oliver but.... How would that be possible? The head looked curiously around the room.

You were trying to as silent as possible and reach for your door to escape but the head spotted you, the head's face grew dark, and his one golden eye shot an angry glare at you and started to glow.

Your whole body froze and you just started screaming. You screamed, and screamed and screamed until that head came out of the computer with a full body, chainsaw in hand and pounced on you...


Woo! 533 Words. Really short but, hey! This is only the first chapter...and a cliffhanger! Don't worry reader, you're safe! Kinda... Ish... Good luck!

[Oliver X Reader] The British Brat That Came From My ComputerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz