"Why not? It's what everyone else does."

"Anyway. I know you just started talking to me again but I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date."

A date? I know I promised Darren that I'd get back together with Drake, and I'm beginning to like Drake again. But Drake really likes Fiona and I don't want to mess with their relationship. He's moving on and so I guess I should too. And Ashton did apologize over and over again. I know Marcie can be manipulative so I guess I could forgive him.

"Sure." I said. "Just not tonight, alright?"

"Great." He smiled bigger. "So how's Drake and Darren?"

"Drake woke up. He seems to be doing well."

"And Darren?"

I fought back the tears. I hate remembering that Darren isn't here anymore. I miss him.

"Darren died today." I muttered.

"He died? That's terrible. How did Drake take it? They were best friends right?"

"Look I'm not in the mood. I lost a friend today and I found out my "step-mom" could possibly be pregnant. And I'm tired."

"Okay. Sorry. I'll talk to you tomorrow in school."


I shut the door and went to lay back on the couch. Hopefully I'm not making a mistake getting back together with Ashton. The only reason I'm giving him another chance is because he was wrapped around Marcie's finger. But now Marcie is gone and we should be able to go back to the way things were before.

The next morning I woke feeling a little confused. I looked around and realized I was on the couch. I slept here all night? I saw Brandon asleep in the floor. At least he didn't get into anything.

I got up and went upstairs to my room. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:30. F**k! I'm late for school. I took a quick shower and dressed. I ran downstairs and got Brandon up. I changed his diaper and clothes. I grabbed food to go and headed to the daycare.

I dropped Brandon off at daycare and headed to school. When I got there, I rushed inside to my second class. I rushed into Calculus and Mr. Lopez and the entire class looked at me.

"Sorry I'm late." I said, a little out of breath. "I had a little trouble this morning." I lied.

"It was probably morning sickness." I heard someone whisper.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Someone else whispered. "She sleeps around. Who knows how many kids she has?"

"Just take your seat." Mr. Lopez said.

I ignored what those people said and went to my seat in the back of the class. I know what people think of me but it hurts even more hearing it from their mouth. But why do they have to say such cruel things? They don't me or my life. What gives them the right to spread rumors about me? I'm glad this is my last year because I don't know how much more I'd be able to handle before going off the deep end.

Drake's P.O.V*

I hate being in this hospital. How much longer will it be before I can get out of here? The food sucks and the smells in this place makes my stomach turn.

"Drake?" Someone said. I looked to see a nurse. "I came to check on you. How are you feeling? Any pain?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Alright. Just let me know if you need anything."

She turned to leave. "Wait." I said.


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