now is all we get (i)

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Tamara vaguely nodded at Delfi, but was quick to turn to her, silently asking her if that was what she wanted. Luna knew she'd suggested and all, but that had been in a moment of anger. Angry at Mariano for attacking Matteo, and angry at Matteo for being quick to judge, as well as resented he had ignored her for two weeks, to now try and act like nothing had happened. Truthfully, she didn't think it was a good idea.

"I'm not sure, Delfi. You've said so yourself, I'm not properly 'trained' and if I end up saying something that could make everything worse I-"

Gastón frowned, interrupting her babbling. "But I thought this was your idea? Why would you suggest it if you're not sure you can pull it off?" His words hadn't any malice in them, yet, she still felt a twinge of offense, and Luna didn't know how to answer him.

Her best friend did, though. "Sometimes our mouths are quicker than our brains." Nina's eyes went between Matteo and her, making Gastón grin, and nod in understand. She was full offended now, reaching out to her friend to pinch her arm in protest. Nina whelped silently, mouthing 'sorry' to her; her eyes, though, showed her amusement.  

Delfi called for their attention, "we can train you, if you want." She offered.

"I don't think-" Mariano wanted to protest. Luna wanted none of it.

"Don't you dare. Delfi's been nothing but professional here, actually trying to help, don't you dare minimize her work or insinuate she's not capable of doing it." Mariano pursed his lips, turning to Tamara in help. Tamara's glare and shake of her head was all he got. When she was sure he'd given up, Luna acknowledged Delfi. "I'm not sure this is a good idea, sorry. If I'm being honest, Jazmín scares me; going to her show, alone, is terrifying."

Delfi pondered her words for a moment, not really looking at her, or at anyone or anything in specific. She just stayed quiet, looking at nothing and biting her lip.

No one said anything for a couple of minutes, and Luna wasn't sure if they were waiting for Delfi, or if they, themselves, were thinking her words over. Either way the silence was awkward for her, and silently prayed for someone else to break it.

Tamara did.

"If you excuse me, I think I'll go ask where our drinks are at." She put her gaze on her. "Care to go with me, Sol?" She couldn't nod fast enough. Luna wasn't too naïve, she knew Tamara wanted to speak to her, alone, but the silence was driving her mad and would take whatever excuse.

She felt Matteo's eyes follow her out of the room.

Luna let out a big sigh as soon as the door closed. Tamara was a few steps ahead, waiting for her. "So, what do you want to tell me?"

"I wanted to apologize. It seems that I underestimated your relationship with Balsano, and going in there, asking you to ignore him was a bad idea, I'm sorry." Tamara's words were full of sincerity. However, they only confused her.

"What do you mean?"

The woman showed surprise. "You didn't notice?"

"Would I be asking you if I had?"

Tamara smiled. "I suppose not, no. What I'm saying is, he seems to like you, and you ignoring him, God forbid, set him off. He kept looking at you, waiting for you to notice him, and when you didn't, it got to the point of annoying him, making him lash out at Mariano and I."  

"But Mariano was provoking him, Matteo – well, I would be annoyed too if someone did the same to me." Luna pointed out, crossing her arms as she walked.

"Perhaps." Tamara agreed, her smile intact, "I do want you to know, though, that this is Matteo Balsano we're talking about. Do you think he's not used to being provoked in interviews? By the fans or the paps? He knows better than to give in their games." Luna fell a few steps behind. Tamara stopped walking altogether, waiting for her to speak again.

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