She was so angry, at herself, at her face, at people. She knew she shouldn't be and also that she was overreacting at the moment but she couldn't help it.

She did like Charlie, more than she'd ever liked a guy before, but he couldn't love her, doesn't love her. Why would he? She was ugly, and destroyed, and mentally unstable.

She wiped her eyes, oh well. She could just be friends with him until it was time to return to work, which should be soon, right after Christmas and new years.

She took her clothes of and got into the shower, letting the warm water run down her back. She sighed, remembering how she forgot some cream but left it, she would have to do that when she was out. She washed her hair and stood there for a moment, forgetting Charlie, forgetting herself, forgetting everything, and just enjoyed the warmth.

Switching the water off she shivered, it really was getting too cold and she couldn't want until summer came back because it would be a little bit warmer then. She slipped on her pyjamas, knowing it was probably a bit too early, but she didn't care. It wasn't like she was going anywhere. She brushed and toed her hair back before creaming her scar and cleaning up her mess.

She stepped out and her teeth started chattering almost instantly. It was much colder out of the bathroom then it was inside of it.

She stepped to her room and sorted out her things, putting some in the wash basket by the door. Molly had been very insistent that she would do Saffron's washing.

"Dinner!" Molly's voice rang through the 'house' and Saffron heard the twins shuffle out of their room and go out to the kitchen, which smelt delicious.

Saffron smiled at Molly as she sat at the table and next to Charlie without even realising it.

"Here you go dear," Molly said placing in front of her a plate of bacon sausages, mashed potato and vegetables. "I know it's not the greatest meal, but it's all we can get right now."

"It's fine. It's great, thank you," Saffron smiled, taking a mouthful of the mashed potato. She really felt that she owed these people. She would have to do something to thank them when it would be time to leave.

"If you think this is great, you should try Mom's Christmas turkey," George said.

"Yeah, you'll be sticking around for Christmas, right Saffron?" Fred asked smiling.

"Oh would you dear? It would be so very enjoyable?" Molly asked.

"I would love too," Saffron smiled, she had no other place to be and she didn't really wish to leave these people.

Dinner was enjoyed by all and small chatter went with it. After dinner Molly and Saffron tidied up quietly together. Molly was dying to talk to her about her interests in Charlie but thought it better to wait, mother's do really know best.

After dinner everyone went to bed, but Saffron knew better than to believe that the twins were going to sleep.

Molly was asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow, a little upset that Arthur couldn't be there tonight, and was extremely worried, but knew he would come home the next day.

Saffron went to her room and shut the door. She wasn't feeling very tired, and yet she was exhausted. She missed the moonlight that would sometimes peek under her curtains, but she knew it was better here, safer.

She tucked herself in and turned out the light with her wand. Her head had hardly touched the pillow when the door swung open. Saffron sat up, immediately pulling her wand out but lowering it when she recognised Charlie's face.

"Charlie, you scared me," Saffron breathed, relaxing once more.

"Sorry," he said quietly. "Is it alright if I come in?" he asked and Saffron nods. He hurries in shutting the door behind him before coming and sitting on the bed.

"What's the matter?" Saffron asked concerned.

"I just, I really needed to know what your answer was going to be Saffron. I couldn't wait any longer," He said rushed and serious. Saffron frowned, forgetting what her original plan had been to say earlier.

"I'm sorry Charlie to have bothered you that night, I really am, I hadn't meant to, I -"

"Saffron, it's ok, I told you it's ok, I just am curious as to why it was my name you were calling out?" he asked.

Saffron wanted to tell him that maybe it had been because she had feelings for him and that was why she called out because she knew he would help, like he was trying to in her dreams. But she couldn't. She could imagine his face turning from curiosity to disgust as he listened.

"Charlie that night you were in my dream. There's one part of my dream which was missing last night. And that was because you were there. I really don't know why you were, but you were and you were trying to help me. You were trying to calm me down. I don't remember calling out your name, but I remember you in my dream and you stopped it from continuing so I have to thank you for that," Saffron explained. She thought it sounded ridiculous, but Charlie seemed to understand.

"I see. I'm glad I could stop it for you. If anything like your nightmare happened I would try to help you, I would Saffron I promise," Charlie spoke without thinking. Saffron smiled up at him, although there was something sad about the smile.

"Thank you Charlie," she said.

"I mean it," Charlie took her chin in his hand, pulling her face to look at him.

"Thank you," she replies.

"Did you need me to stay in here tonight?" he asked.

"What? Oh no, no," Saffron cried, absolutely mortified. "It's fine, I'm sorry."

"Saffron no I didn't mean it like that I just was wondering if company would help. I'm sorry," Charlie quickly explained what he had meant.

"I know sorry I am embarrassed, it's silly, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I promise. I'm sorry. I'll let you sleep," He said moving a little bit closer to Saffron, making her heart beat fast.

"I'll see you in the morning. Sleep well," he said leaning over and giving her a hug. It was a warm and comforting hug and Saffron didn't want to let go, but she did. Charlie paused, their faces millimetres from each others, the urge to push her lips to his was strong but she fought it, thinking maybe Charlie would. He half leant in for one and Saffron was sure her heart was humming down.

But at last minute Charlie pulled back, pressing a kiss to her unscarred cheek.

"Goodnight Saffron," Charlie quickly stood up to leave.

"Goodnight Charlie," Saffron choked before facing her pillow. She had been right, she disgusted him and there was no hope for her.

A/N Sorry it's bee a week guys it has been a very strange and stressful week I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) Thank you so much for your wonderful comments you make me feel so warm and fuzzy you guys are so amaze lots of love xoxoxo

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now