Chapter 5

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1 week later
Sans' POV

(Everything hurts. It hurts to move. I'm not sure if my head is pounding or if the storm has started. The storm... I'd go to Papyrus' house but... I just feel to tired. Why do I feel so hot? I took off my reaper cloak cause of the heat. I don't care if he sees me like this. I just... can't do this)


Papyrus' POV

Where is Nobdoy? I've been texting and calling him, but no answer. 'Hey Nobody, what's up?' No answer. 'Are u ok?' No answer. 'I got you a present!' No answer. 'NOBODY, RICH SET A FIRE AND BURNED DOWN THE HOUSE!!!' No answer.

I was honestly really worried about him. He's strong, but I'm his boyfriend, I have to worry about him! So, I went over to his house.

Time skip.

I knocked on the door to Nobody's house. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. Where is he? I peered through the window.

A small figure was curled up in Nobody's bed. Unless... I looked over to see a reaper cloak, the one Nobody always wore. So that's what Nobody looks like without his cloak on. The figure looked kind of... familiar. Weird.

I tapped on the window. Nobody must of heard me tapping on the glass because he looked up. He looked even more familiar now. Do I... know him from some where? I was waving through the window, when I got a text from Nobody.

The text read 'just come in, i unlocked the door with magic.' So I opened up the door.

Some how, Nobody fell back asleep. Is he sick or something? That would explain why he wasn't answering any of my texts.

I walked up to Nobody's bed to find... find... my... brother? Sans? I thought Sans was dead. How is he here? How is he alive? This dosen't make any since. Until I reliaze...

Nobody has alot in common with Sans. He's cute, makes puns, I had a crush on both of them... other stuff...

It would make since if Sans and Nobody are the same person. Nobody's cloak would fit Sans.

It's amazing to think someone who was known for being weak is now captin of the royal guard. Someone I yelled at all the time, is now my boyfriend. Sans isn't weak, he's just strong in the real way.

Well, I can't stay here forever. Sans can't either. There's a blizzard coming, and both of us would freaze to death if we stayed here.

Picking up my brother, (OMG!! HE'S SO CUTE, AND SMALL, AND KWAII, THIS IS ADOARABLE. I NEVER WANT TO LET GO OF HIM) I started to walk towards the door.

"I LOVE YOU SANSY" I whispered, into his ear socket.

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