Y/N: Guys guys! Calm down! I'm fine. I got scratched up a bit but nothing major.

Weiss: Why didn't you come back to the school to tell us you were ok then!?

Y/N: The authorities needed to ask some questions... I had to stay pretty long since I knew the doctor.

I looked at Blake and she gave me a look saying that she knew I was lying.

Yang: Well, since you're ok, I think we should head back now.

Y/N: Alright, I'll see you four tomorrow then.

Yang: Nope, you'll be staying with your team!

Y/N: Huh?

Ruby: Yeah! You'll be spending tonight in the team dorm!

Y/N: But I-

Weiss: No buts. You'll stay with us tonight.

Y/N: Where am I supposed to sleep!?

Yang: Oh that's easy. With Blake of course!

My face went red along with Blake's as Yang yelled that out. For a split second, I considered using my powers to run, but Ruby would just catch me and my secret would be out. But... maybe it was worth it? Before I could think of an answer, Yang was already dragging me to Beacon.

Timeskip brought to you by  A/N slamming his head against a wall muttering story plot to himself

The next day, I woke up to the sound of something falling. I groaned as I raised from my sleep, only to find Blake on the floor. I quietly muttered to myself as I got up.

Y/N; I thought cats were supposed to land on their feet...

Yang: What was that noise?

Everyone woke up right after me and we all saw Blake on the ground.

Yang: Blake? Are you ok?

Blake: I-I'm f-fine...

Y/N: Well, I need to head out, I've got some things I need to do-

Ruby: Nope, you're coming with us to hang out today!

Y/N: But I have a job I need to do.

Weiss: I'm sure your job will allow for a day off after yesterday.

Y/N: You guys are really intent on keeping me around all of a sudden...

Yang: Well, you're our teammate and we hardly spend any time at all together!

Y/N: Alright, fine. I'll call in and check with my boss and then we can go do whatever friends do.

Ruby: You say that like you've never had a friend before.

Y/N: Grew up in the woods, remember? Not a lot of friend opportunities out in the brush...

Ruby: Oh, right...

Timeskip brought to you by A/N panicking because he doesn't know what to write

After I cleared things up with Lisa, I headed out into Vale with the girls. Ruby was sort of dragging us across the whole city. We went from bakeries to weapon shops to malls for what felt like hours. Eventually, we all settled down at a cafe in a lively part of town. There were lots of people out doing things around here, but the cafe stayed relatively quiet. After we got our seats and drinks, we all just talked. Well, I listened more than talked.

My mind was stuck on yesterday, and I had this uneasy feeling. After about 15 minutes of talking, I noticed something. Things outside were quieter and things I could see began to slow down. I heard a slight ringing in my head and quickly realized what was about to happen.

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