Breeze: A Girl No One Understands

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Hi, my name is Breeze and at the beginning of this summer, I thought my life was over because my parents sent me to live with my evil aunt Vanessa, here in Coastal Beachton. I persevered my evil aunts trials and it turns out, Coastal Beachton isn't so bad. I made a new summer BFF. She's a ginger with no soul, but don't worry I hooked her up with the best friend of my boyfriend, the guy from the wrong side of the tracks, Gauge. So, yeah, I've found my summer love and we're totes going to be together forever. You might have heard about the hurricane that hit us last night on the fourth of July, but don't worry, I'm okay! Gauge did the sweetest thing, (Breeze wipes a faux tear from her eye), he saved me when the picnic shelter we were under collapsed. He took a stake through the chest. Don't worry, he's going to be fine. The doctors said the piece of wood went between his ribs, so my baby's going to be alright! I've learned so many things here in Coastal Beachton, like never to wear heels in the sand, never take fashion advice from Ariella, the girl next door, dancing in the rain is so romantic, and best of all, true love conquers all! Summer is only half over and I can't wait to see what is in store for us. From Coastal Beachton, I'm Breeze, the prettiest girl in town. See you later all of my viewers!

    Breeze blows a kiss into her phone as she finishes her vlog. She presses the upload the button and within seconds, the video is uploaded. Breeze sighs and continues her walk back home to Aunt Vanessa's.

    "Being a girlfriend is hard," Breeze whines, aloud. She just found out that her boyfriend's best friend who everyone believed was dead, has come back from the dead and is very much alive. She can't tell Gauge yet until he is fully recovered. The shock of learning that Cage is alive and wants his motorbike back is just too much for him to handle right now. Who else can she tell? Ariella and Cash have a date this evening. Gauge is in the hospital which means Uncle B will be right by his side, as she should be and Aunt Vanessa, well Aunt Vanessa had left her at the hospital all alone.Breeze wasn't surprised that Aunt Vanessa left her. Breeze knows Aunt Vanessa hates her and tries to make her, her slave for the summer, but this was different. Breeze usually can't go anywhere without Aunt Vanessa constantly checking in or insisting on giving her ride. Why shouldn't she. It's not like she's Ariella, just the girl next door who has no soul because she's a ginger. Somebody could kidnap her or worst, what if Breeze fell into the ocean and drowned?

    Breeze lets out a sigh of relief as she finally reaches her aunt's house on the beach. If Aunt Vanessa is in their reading her adult erotica Breeze was going to let her have it. Breeze opens the door and is stopped in her tracks by what she sees. Wendy stands in in the doorway, just as Breeze stands outside.

    "Oh my God," Breeze thinks inside of her head, "this is so weird, why would Aunt Vanessa put a mirror in the doorway? And it must be one of those fun house mirrors because her hair is definitely bleach blond, not any shade of red."

    "Oh my God," Breeze and Wendy both simultaneously gasp. They are both in disbelief by the uncanny resemblance and both believe they have stepped in front of a mirror. Both girls simultaneously adjust their breasts, ensuring enough cleavage is showing. Wendy and Breeze both do hair flips at the same time. They next bring one arm forward with their hands flat in the air until it meets.

    "It feels so real," both girls comment at the same time, then bring their hands back. They next bring both hands to their shoulders and run them down their chest to their hips. They then begin striking poses, each one mimicking the other and striking them at the same time. This goes on for a few minutes.

    Aunt Vanessa enters from the kitchen with a bag of groceries and sees Breeze and Wendy striking the same pose at the same time, while running their hands down their bodies the exact same way.

    "Girls, what are you doing?" a perplexed Aunt Vanessa asks. They both turn and look at her at the same time.

    "You can see both of us?" Breeze and Wendy simultaneously ask.

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