Unveiled Feelings

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The Correlean YT-2400 Light Freighter dropped out of hyper-space near the large asteroid known as Pollis Masa. A droid's voice came through the ship's comms demanding what they were doing. Ahsoka answered quickly.

"We have someone on board who is injured and dying. I've been told that this asteroid houses a medical facility. I request permission to land," Ahsoka answered smoothly.

"How many life-forms are you carrying on board?"


"Who told you about this medical facility?" The droid questioned.

"Master Yoda of the Jedi Order. This is Ahsoka Tano."

There was a pause. "Fly your ship to docking bay five, please. A medical staff will be waiting to take your friend to a medical bay." The droid ended the transmission and Ahsoka flew the ship to the designated docking bay and smoothly landed the ship.

True to the droid's word, a staff of odd looking aliens and droids were waiting for them. Ahsoka lowered the ramp and stood up. She walked to the med bay on the ship.

"There is a medical staff waiting outside the ship for Katooni," Ahsoka stated. Petro breathed a sigh of relief.

"You hear that Katooni? YOu're going to be okay!" Petro exclaimed. Katooni did not reply as she was unconscious. Petro picked her up and carried her down the ramp to the waiting medical team. "Is it okay if I go with them?" Petro asked Ahsoka.

"Sure, just stay out of their way," Ahsoka ordered. Petro raced off with the medical team, leaving Ahsoka and Rex alone. She turned to Rex and sighed. "We should probably see if Master Yoda or Master Kenobi left and messages for us. I don't feel their presence here right now."

As the two left the hanger, a protocol droid waddled over to them. "Grand Master Yoda of the Jedi Order has instructed the workers on this facility to help you with whatever you need. Do either of you need medical attention?" The droid sounded very cheerful.

Rex and Ahsoka looked at each other. "No, I think we'll be alright, perhaps there is some food somewhere though?" Ahsoka answered.

"Of course, right this way please."

They passed many residents of the medical facility, most of which were droids. A few alien life-forms worked here and there, but the base was primarily filled with droids. The protocol droid led them into a small eating area and some food was brought to them.

"What are we supposed to do while we wait for General Kenobi and Master Yoda to arrive? I'm not good with downtime, being a soldier and all." Rex inquired.

"I don't know. Guess there probably isn't much to do anyway. I'd like to get my mind off the recent events, but I'm not sure I'm supposed to do that with nothing to distract me," Ahsoka answered honestly. She rolled her neck and messaged some kinks out of her shoulders. Unfortunately, there was a knot just out of her reach that was really bothering her.

"Need some help with that, lil'un?" Rex chuckled at her annoyed expression.

"If you don't mind. Also, I think you need to come up with a more fitting nickname for me, Rex." Ahsoka smirked back at him.

In the corner of the room sat a plush looking white couch and Ahsoka and Rex sat down on it. Rex pulled off the armor on his hands and the gloves that covered them. He began messaging the knot out of Ahsoka's back and she sighed appreciatively.

"That feels really nice," Ahsoka acknowledged. Against her better judgement, she let him message the rest of her back and neck. She wasn't entirely sure why he didn't stop when he smoothed out the knot.

Rex honestly didn't want to stop giving Ahsoka attention. He wanted to make sure she was knot-free and relaxed. When she didn't pull away from his touch but instead seemed to lean into the message he knew what he was doing was highly appreciated.



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Being in a medical facility reminded Ahsoka of being quarantined when she was infected with the Blue Shadow Virus. She, Padme Amidala, Captain Rex, and a few other clones were all infected, but were expected to make a full recovery thanks to the efforts of Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker finding the cure. Sadly, the cure would take a few days to work, so the infected quickly became restless and bored.

Rex and Ahsoka always got along, but having to spend so much time together made them open up and talk about things from their past. They bonded a lot and began to develop unspoken feelings for each other.


Ahsoka knew she should have told Rex to stop, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. His expert hands or her back were overriding all of her senses. All she could focus on were his hands. Suddenly, Ahsoka felt him lean closer to her and she could feel his breath on her lekku. It sent a pleasure filled shiver down her spine. She felt his breath quicken from her reaction and she smiled a bit. The fact that she had a profound effect on him was comforting.

"I'm not the only one with these feelings then," Ahsoka thought.


"Hm?" Ahsoka hummed.

"I need to be honest with you." She felt him take a deep breath and let it out. "I really like you. And not like a friend, well, I do like you as a friend, but, I like you more than just a friend." Rex fumbled with his words. It made Ahsoka giggle. Normally Rex was confident with everything he said, but now, he was trusting the woman in front of him with his true feelings.

Ahsoka turned around so she was facing Rex. He had a deep blush on his pale cheeks. "That's good because otherwise this would be very awkward." Without thinking or hesitation, Ahsoka gently placed her mahogany lips to Rex's pale ones. Gaining his confidence back at Ahsoka's unspoken confession, he gently kissed her back. Rex placed a hand on Ahsoka's orange cheek and she leaned into the touch.

He didn't care that the Republic was falling apart, he didn't care that his brothers had betrayed the Jedi. All he cared about was the woman he was kissing, the woman who had stolen his heart.

Ahsoka didn't care that Anakin was evil, she didn't care that her family was killed. All she cared about was the man she was kissing, the man who had stolen her heart.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but not sorry for the Rexsoka moment. School is crazy right now, and my computer doesn't seem to work, so the only place I can update this story is on a school computer.

Thanks so much for reading!


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