Chapter 2

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"I like stars"



"I prefer clouds"

"Stars are prettier"

"I could think of prettier things"

"Oh, like what?" She smirked.

"Well theres, the sky, flowers," he made sure to list anything he could think of except Temari, "and Hinata looked very pretty today".

This earned him a dead arm and a frowning Temari.

"I was joking!" He sighed in pain.

Temari pouted as she felt a blush crawl onto her face.

"Don't pout at me!"
Shikamaru stared at her, "It's out of character and its scaring me." He smirked.

She broke into a smile and collapsed into laughter on-top of the hokage faces.

"Well i guess the stars are beautiful." Shikamaru stated laying down next to her and shutting his eyes.

A few minutes passed.

"What time is it?" Temari said sitting up.


"Seriously Shikamaru my brothers will probably think I've been kidnapped"

"Hm, you kind of have," he murmured.

She rolled her eyes,
"And your mother will go ballistic"

" I don't live with my mother, as of by the way."

As much as his mother protested he moved away from the main Nara house into a smaller one about a month ago. His mother insisted on being the temporary head of the clan and Shikamaru vice, her excuse was along the lines of, 'You need to have a life first,' being the guy Shikamaru is, he more than happily agreed. As he could take care of himself it was more than simple and just easier for him.

"Shikamaru, seriously," she wined, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Five more minutes,"

Temari frowned, "Shikamaru I swear to god I will throw you off of this cliff."

"Ugh, what a drag," he said sitting up. Temari offered her hand pulling him up.

"Come on then!" She grinned leading him towards the stairs.

He chuckled at her actions, it was probably weird for a newish relationship but he already loved her so much.

"Wait a minute would you," Shikamaru said, spinning Temari around so she was facing him.

"What now Shikamaru" Temari frowned and blushed at the sudden closeness.

Shikamaru stared into her teal eyes as he leaned closer and began to open his mouth like he was going to say something important, "Ladies first," he joked as he grabbed a dazed Temari by the hand and lead her down the stairs.

The couple had warmed up to each other after an awkward start to the relationship which they both mutually agreed to forget. Lets just say they preferred the witty banter exchanged between them on a daily basis, and so... yeah! Times are great!

"Where were you?" Kankuro exclaimed.

Temari's brothers surrounded her as soon as she stepped through the door of the Hotel room.

"I-well um, no reason really," a blush powdered her cheeks, "Wait, why do you even care?" she snapped back into her usual demeanour and pushed past the two bewildered men. Which earned a 'Hn' from Gaara as he turned towards his hotel room.

"I'm so confused" Kankuro said rubbing his temples.

"Your always confused," Gaara obnoxiously stated as he closed the door.

"Would you stop acting like you know everything!"

"To be honest its not unlikely" Gaara said closing door.

Outside the hotel Shikamaru smirked, obviously pleased with himself, as he turned away and started home.

~Next morning~

"Your early"

"I am"

"Well good morning then"

"And you," he said.

Temari grinned at his answer and watched Shikamaru's smile fall from his face.

"Do you have to leave?" He wined.

"Yes" she answered bluntly.

"That was mean"

"I'm a mean person"

"Hn, Come here then," he said and pulled her into hug her head resting on his shoulder, her hair in his face.

"When are your brothers coming?"he mumbled into her hair.







"Spit it out would you?"he said which earned him a pinch on the shoulder of which he grimaced.

"Take care of yourself this time, idiot," she said, a blush tingeing her face as she buried her face into his chest and dark blue cloak, used for higher class protection missions, it smelt like him, good thing? Definitely. Out of most men his age Shikamaru was the cleanest freak she had ever met, it was weird since he was also the laziest. She guessed it was ' a drag to be messy.'

"A-ha so thats how it is," He said in an obnoxious voice. "You be careful with whatever you're doing, ok?" he added gazing down at her blond hair and smiled as she nodded.

"Kiss?" He asked cutely cocking his head, which made Temari turn bright red, bringing her head up to look into his eyes.

"Y-you are so annoying,"she disputed.

Shikamaru smirked as Temari gave him a peck on the lips.

"Have fun on your mission" she said.

"And you,"

"Ok, you take one side and i'll take the other," Temari said in a matter of fact tone.

"Mpff, wow," Shikamaru said rubbing the back of his neck as he was violently pushed into the opposite side of the gate, he managed to get up and brush himself off before the duo arrived.

"Hey are you ready to leave," Kankuro said falling from the sky.

" Yup, the transport isn't far away, about half a mile," Temari replied.

"Good, we'll be off then, thanks Shikamaru," Kankuro started for the exit.

" Yes, thank Kakashi for the hospitality," Gaara added.

"It's no problem really," Shikamaru replied.

"I trust Ino is scouting the area?"

"Yes and if we find anything I will be sure to report it," Shikamaru said.

"Good, farewell then"

As Shikamaru watched them walk away he turned and started home. He figured that someone would get him if he was needed before his mission.

This mission was A ranked and involved protecting a hated noble who was to be brought into trial for unfair treatment of his workers and rumours of forced slavery and trafficking. He couldn't wait to not sleep for a week or two, what fun.

Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter!!! I kinda have writers block 😅 I'll update again when i can! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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