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Laken's POV


"The hell up." I groaned, rolling over on my side. I covered my ears with my pillow and fell asleep.


"Oh for fuck's sake." I yelled, slamming the "stop" button on my alarm. I yawned and stretched my arms out. My eyes felt heavy and I debated on laying back in bed and going to sleep, but the other part of me wanted to see my friends at school.

"It's Thursday. I just need to survive today and tomorrow." I told myself while rolling my eyes and getting out of bed.

I cut the light on and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair looked greasy and my eyes were barely open from being so tired. I splashed water on my face and I started to feel alive. I felt almost relieved.

I looked at the shower and my face back around to look at the mirror. My hair looked like shit. I didn't have the energy to take a shower.

"Ehh, fuck it." I said before grabbing my dry shampoo and spraying it in my hair.

I walked out of my bathroom and turned off the light. I didn't feel like putting on makeup today, nor did I care.

I quickly grabbed a light weight cream sweater and jeans. After getting dressed I walked downstairs, grabbed an apple, said by to my parents, and left.

I groaned when I pulled up to my school. I was really dreading it today. It must be because of what happens with Ashton yesterday. I hope he wasn't mad at me. He's my friend and I don't want to lose my friendship with him, so when I walked into the school I went right up to him.

"I'm sorry." I said. I felt nervous for his response.

He looked back at me and gave me a soft smile. "It's okay. I just wish you wouldn't have tried to snoop around. I understand you think there's something going on at my house. I can tell, but I assure you I'm fine." He said reassuringly and gave me a toothy grin.

"Hey sunshine!" I turned around to see Aaron walking up to me. I felt Ashton brush past my body and his presence leave. It was just me standing there. "Where were you yesterday?" He said, he looked a little hurt.

"Oh, I had to take a friend home and got caught up with...stuff." I said, looking back at Ashton walking away from us.

"Him I'm guessing." He said looking at Ashton with a hateful look.

"Uh Yeah." I said awkwardly. "I promised him I'd take him home." I told Aaron.

"Okay." He nodded, and started to walk away.

I didn't do anything. I just sat there and watched him walk. I rolled my eyes while walking to my locker to grab my book. Today was going to be a long day.

After 1st period.

"Thank God that class was over with." Kirsten spoke. "I never thought he'd shut up." She said talking about our teacher.

"Me too." I agreed as we started to make our way to our lockers.

"Watch where you're going, Asher." I heard Aaron spat. He was far behind me but close enough to where I could hear.

Kirsten and I both stopped in the hall and turned around. It was Ashton and Aaron.

"It's Ashton." He told Aaron.

Aaron rolled his eyes. "Yeah well you need to watch where you're going." He scoffed, hitting his should against Ashton's and walking towards Kirsten and I.

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