How the Bible Got to Us Today

Start from the beginning

Chapter Three     'Alone with God'

    The next morning, Joe rose up even before the sun started to peak over the horizon.  He put on "long johns" under some Dickies work clothes and then slipped on his Red Wing boots.  He slid into his heavy winter coat and darted down the hall, through the kitchen and out the back door.  He walked about a mile into the frigid woods that was just beyond the Kasteels' backyard.  Joe went into the woods very early every morning to get alone with God.  This particular morning he had more gratitude in his heart for his Son than ever before.  As he approached the very spot where he praised God, he was taken away by the beauty of the moon and the stars in the clear dark sky.
     "Father, the heavens really do declare Your glory," he said in a very affectionate tone.  He took a deep breath of the cool, crisp, fresh air touched with the scent of the Cedar trees near by and exhaled as he spoke the words, "Thank you so much for the air I get to breathe."
    The crickets and tree frogs seem to be shouting praise to welcome the presence of God descending down into the woods.  At this time, Joe was very aware that God was with him, so he fell down upon his knees, put his face to the ground, and began to worship Him.  (And even though Joe is a fictional character, I will not give you every detail of his time with God.  There should be an intimacy that should only be shared between a man and his God).  He spent a good long while there in the woods with God praying for many different things, including Chester's future.  As the sun began to make its way over the horizon, Joe, full of the peace and joy that God had just given him, headed back for the house. 

Chapter Four     'A Change of Plans'

    As he approached the back door from whence he left, Joe was humbled with deep appreciation for his wife whom he watched through the kitchen window as she cooked breakfast.  As he stood there, his heart pounded hard for the love he had for her.  After a few moments, he opened the door, "Good morning, Sweetheart."
    "Good morning, Honey," she responded.
    "Well, Good morning, Lil' Josie!"
    "Good morning, Daddy!"
    "How's my 'Little Brown-eyed Beauty' doing?"
    "Great, Daddy!  I'm helping Mommy cook pancakes," said the 6 year old as she put the plates at the designated spots of the table where each family member sat at every meal.
    "One day, Sweetie, you'll be just as good as a cook as your Mommy.  You just keep hanging around her."
    Right then, 8 year old Calvin walks into the kitchen, then 11 year old Jacquelyn, and then Chester.
    "Good morning, Cal."
    "Good morning, Dad."
    "You ready for school?"
    "Yes, Sir."
    "Ches, Jackie, ya'll ready?"
    "Yes, Dad," they replied at the same time.
    "Ya'll are just in time.  Breakfast just now got finished," announced Liz.
    "I don't need an alarm clock, Mom, your cookin' wakes me up.  I just wake up and follow my nose," complimented Jackie.
    Chester backs up that compliment, "You got that right! I loved wakin' up to the smell of bacon yesterday, and then, pancakes today! Wow, they look good!"
    "Josie helped me.  She was a huge help, too," said Liz to encourage Josie.
    "Josie, you can cook?" asked Calvin curiously.
    "Mommy did all the cookin', I just helped."
    "Everybody get your places," Liz ordered as she was setting the food on the table.  The family got their usual spots.  Joe thanked God for the food, and they began to enjoy a delicious meal of pancakes and sausage.
    "Wow, this is good!" proclaimed Calvin, "Thanks, Mom, and Thank You, Josie."
    The others thanked Liz and Josie, too, after almost forgetting until Calvin thanked them.
    "Dad, did you make the appointment for me to talk to Bro. Cartwright about the Bible?" asked Chester.
    "No, Son, I remember the things that Bro. Cartwright has taught us about the Bible, plus, I've done some study about it myself.  So, I decided that I will teach you."
    "Ah, that would be awesome, Dad!  Will you teach me today?"
    "Yes, but only after you do your homework for school."
    "You got it!" Chester replied as he got a glimpse of the clock on the stove.  "We gotta go!  Only five minutes before the bus gets to the driveway to pick us up!"
    "Don't worry about it.  Your Mother and I will take ya'll in the van.  Everybody done eatin'?"
    "Yes," the kids answered collectively.
    "Alright, grab your jackets and backpacks and let's pile in the van."
    The kids scattered to get their things together and off to school they went.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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