Night Time

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Author: @loveeboat
Book: Night Time

Ok first let me start off by apologising. I was so delayed and I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot you even submitted the form.

The Flow:
Your book... How can I phrase the words right?Let me put it this way, your book is extremely eccentric, far from cliche (hence why I added you to my eccentric book list). Majorly well written, I may have found one grammatical mistake in all your chapters put together. The steady.. I loved how steady it was. It was mentally stimulating, more so refreshing from the beginning. I was constantly guessing where she was, where she belongs. I love the fact that you didn't go into too much detail, the lack of content didn't disrupt how informative you were with your few choice of words. You didn't even need to delve into her family for me to understand that she had a dysfunctional one and was deprived of unconditional love.

Character who resonated with me:

It's crazy, I didn't even realise you left her name out until the second last chapter. I was so immersed into the series of events.. I read each chapter and still couldn't predict or find out what would unfold - their relationship. Your book was different from the ones I've read. It was melancholic. But tragically beautiful. You portrayed your character so well, your description of her thought-process resonated with me deeply. She thinks she's so messed up because her only source of comfort throughout her life had been her best friend- it made me wonder if her love for Archer was nurtured by her toxic upbringing. I'm glad you chose to end it, but I didn't feel the closure a reader should feel when reading a romantic book. But! That's why it's unique, it was left afloat. Open for interpretation, imagination.

Rank: I don't know what else to say, 10/10. Great Job!(:

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