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Author: BuzzingQuill
Book: Safe

(I know I said I needed a break, but this author needed to know ASAPS that their book is truly amazing, it's been a pleasure).

The Flow:
Why? Why IS THIS BOOK not complete yet. Don't mind my 'capslocks' if that even makes sense, but I'm distraught. I didn't just love your book, I fell hard for your characters. I'll delve deeper into that under the 'characters who resonated with me' section. Jamie is the cutest. Your writing, SPECTACULAR. So professional beyond words, I'm jealous. Really really jealous. The first writing style I've come across that makes me feel the need to implement and adopt in my writing. I look up to you for that. The story line is extremely engaging, I took my time when I read this book, because firstly, I'm busy, and secondly, I didn't want to rush it. I was taking everything in. You had me hooked from the first incident when she witnessed the murder. And the Agent, the way you've developed his character, is far from cliche (I'll talk about it more in a bit). But anyway, SAFE. This story was summed up in one word, literally. It's hard to find the perfect title for your book, but you've foreshadowed the gist of it with just one word. Great choice. This book needs to be published. Don't even wait to get higher reads and votes, just go for gold. It has so much potential I can't even begin to stress... I loved it I swear. No criticism whatsoever. Just teach me how to write like you?

Characters who resonated with me:
Jamie: SHE'S so quirky. I love how realistically well you've developed her character. From her body language to her sudden outbursts and rambling. It's cute. I love how strong she comes off but inside she's soft and fragile. Extremely feminine. Her encounters with people and how she wears her heart on her sleeve. You've done a splendid job in portraying her character. She's perfectly imperfect. And the touch of imperfection brings out this hidden beauty to her.

Chris: Love the way you showed the inner conflict he was faced with, his feelings for her. It was obvious that it was foreign to him, the way he acts towards her, being socially awkward is out of his character. You didn't even have to be explicit to show that. There's a saying, when you want to write a story, show don't tell. You've basically done that with both their characters. You've described the way they are without directly telling the reader in one go. It just builds up. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of him in the picture, his mysterious and reserved nature has enticed me to want to know more. I don't know what to say, words don't give this book justice.

Rank: 12/10 - love love love. (Adding it to my 'Out of this World' reads.

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