chapter 4

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"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE TOLD YOU HE LOVED YOU???!!!!" Penny was dancing on her bed, blond hair bouncing around her shoulders. "Get down you rogue!! they'll hear!!! and come on, you know that's not what he meant" we both climbed into bed. Our room was at the very top of the 4 storey building, with a small wooden staircase running all the way down to the kitchen, in order to avoid guests seeing us work.

" but Sin, you love him right? i mean love him" i was silent for a moment, staring at the ceiling. i was tingling with excitement. "ya...ya i think i do" a squeal from the bed next door. "oh shut up you" i yawned and rolled over. but i found it hard to sleep. i loved him. i loved him. i loved him...

"FIRE!!!! FIRE!!!!" I leapt out of bed, instantly alert. fire? oh god we had to get out. i pulled Penny out of bed "move it Pen there's a fire!" we hastily stuffed our most precious belongings into a bag. Penny's hairbrush, my mother's apron, my sister's doll. we dashed down the stairs, jittery and shaky. i could feel the heat emanating from behind the walls. the banister was hot to the touch. our vision was blurred. we ran often tripping down a step, coughing and spluttering. my throat felt ripped to shreds. the stairs ended. we knew the kitchen well, but couldn't see the door. i felt the cold granite of the window sill scrape my leg. i lifted Penny up and hurled our belongings through the window. i felt the cold air rush through and dragged Penny out.

we all pulled together then, maids and ladies, lords and cooks. the house had been enveloped by the flames. there was nothing this small group of us could do. i looked around me. belongings lay scattered on the lawn, the family dogs were howling at the moon. more people arrived to help, bringing any containers they could find. i gazed out across the fields, towards the woods. there was a figure standing there. why wasn't he helping?? i realized who it was. and my heart sank into my boots.

It couldn't be true. Not really. He would never. No, this couldn't be real. In a flash I was on top of him, kicking, scraping, screeching "YOU?! NO!!!! MONSTER!!! IDIOT!! STUPID, STUPID !!!!" I fell to the ground, shaking. My body was racked with sobs. John put his arms around me, wrapping me up. i pulled away, only able to say one word "why?" John shuffled his feet, not looking me in the eye "You know why Sinéad. and I would do it all again. those Brits don't deserve this land. The men and I want them out. So I stepped up"  Tears were streaming down my cheeks, but anger boiled up inside me "Oh and you think this was manly, ya? You think this was right? John you endangered innocent people. Children, servants.  And what about me, John. I could have died. But you don't care. You don't care about me. You care about the men, the tenant farmers, who have never been there for you. You would risk my life on the off chance that they might get a bit more land?? Well, it's nice to know where i stand with you, at last. I thought you were my friend. I thought...I thought you were more."

We stood for a minute, me glaring, John not meeting my gaze. Then he looked up. His face was full of pain " I love you Sin. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever known. And you're my best friend." He walked over to me, and took me by the shoulders " I love you. And I need you to forgive me. I would never want you to be harmed. Please, Sinéad. I need you"


Hi !! I really hope you like it. So what should she do?? and what will happen to John if the landlord finds out?? That is Chloe Moretz as Penny :D

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