No One's POV
Dinah and Jilly had just gotten to Normani's apartment. "Um Mani do you want to go to the beach tomorrow" Dinah asked Normani. "Yea sure can Lauren come too" Normani asked. She wanted the four of them to become good friends.Dinah couldn't say no while Lauren was right there so she agreed. "Do you all have bathing suits" Lauren asked. "Yea I have this two piece suit that I think all of you will love" Normani said. Dinah and Lauren drooled at the thought of Normani in a bathing suit. Tomorrow was definitely going to be a treat .
Dinah's POV
I looked good in my bathing suit. It showed of my legs perfectly.

Jilly's bathing suit was cute also it showed off her abs

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Jilly's bathing suit was cute also it showed off her abs.

Me and Jilly arrived at the beach and Normani was there already

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Me and Jilly arrived at the beach and Normani was there already. She looked like a whole meal.

I was literally drooling if it's wasn't for Jilly Normani would see me drool

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I was literally drooling if it's wasn't for Jilly Normani would see me drool. I was happy to see Lauren not here I was hoping she wouldn't come. Normani was excited to see us. We played in the water until Lauren got there. When Lauren arrived she was wearing a white t shirt that showed off her abs and toned arms and some blue swim trunks. When she arrived everyone was looking her up and down like she was a piece of meat.

Normani's POV
Lauren and Dinah looked like full course meals with their suits. I thought I was going to die, so I had to avert my eyes from the both of them. When Lauren came to the beach every girl was staring at her like she was a peice of meat and when Dinah arrived every guy looked like they wanted to devour her. I couldn't help but be jealous and want to kill all of them but I had to keep it under raps.
I got out of the water and this tall Lightskin man approach me. "Hi beautiful" the tall man said as he kissed my hand. I didn't know what to do I was scared because the man didn't have a good vibe to him. "My name is Quincy, what's your name" Quincy asked me. I just shook my head no at him because I didn't want him to know my name but he still had my hand in his. He squeezed my hand and grabbed my face so I can look at him. "Your going to answer me, so I asked again what is your name" Quincy asked in a very low voice. I was scared shitless I didn't know what to do and I was alone. Quincy got mad at me and pinned my arm behind my back. My butt was touching his member, he started dry humping me so I could feel his hard-on. I started to cry because I didn't know what to do I thought he was going to have his way with me until I felt him let go. I turned around saw Lauren beating the hell out of Quincy. Dinah and Jilly came to comfort me.Dinah held me in her arms and I felt safe. They calmed me down and seeing Lauren that angry made me scared she was going to kill Quincy. I ran out of Dinah grip to grab Lauren but it wasn't working she wasn't stopping. At this point I think Quincy is barely breathing if he is even alive. "LAUREN STOP" I screamed at her but it didn't work. Dinah then tried to help by pulling her off of Quincy. "LET ME GO" Lauren yelled at us, "I'M NOT DONE WITH HIM". I hugged Lauren and whispered in her ear "please stop I'm ok I'm here with you I'm safe." Lauren stopped and I looked her in the eyes she just looked down at her hands and said "I did it again". "You didn't have to go all crazy on him like that" Dinah said. "I didn't mean to" Lauren said still looking at her hands. "Look at me Lauren" I told Lauren. She looked at me and I could see pain,regret, and anger in her eyes. "It's ok Lauren" I told her while smiling. "No Mani it's not it's not I could've killed him and I could of hurt others in the process" Lauren said sounding sad. "But you didn't you saved me from whatever he was going to do to me" I said holding Lauren's hands. "Nobody is going disrespect you while I'm around" Lauren said with a smile on her face but was serious. "Let's just go to the movies or something since the beach wasn't a good idea." Dinah said. We all agreed and went to go get ready.

Even though Lauren scared me when she was angry it low key turned me on. Is it weird that I wanted to take Lauren right there on the spot and then when Dinah came out of the water I wanted to eat her like it was my last meal. I think I just might have feelings for the both of them because if something happened to them I wouldn't be able to deal with it.

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