suicide note!!Justin Bieber

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You walked inside your room from the gym and made it to the bathroom deciding to take a shower...walking inside the bathroom and taking a look at yourself in the mirror you saw a note on the counter

Opening it you wished you didn't as tears started to stream down your face

whilst I write this.
All the memories come back
and I remember all little thing about you that
I’m going miss.
Like telling you good night
or kissing the top of your head.
But I can't keep the thoughts out
I'll always be there
in my own way little.

And you’ll see my reflection in glass
or in the lakes and streams.
Into the wind

I wish I couldn’t but I hear the pills are calling.
For hours now into this abyss
I’ve slowly been falling .
I’ll always love you
you’ll be the only one for me.
But you will find someone new
You’ll be with someone who can hold you
not hurt you.
Who’s free from bed thoughts and pain
I can’t be with you and watch me destroy you …
it’s driving me insane.
I can’t be the one who makes you cry
this is the best way love it’s time we say good
All I’m doing is hurting you with my fucked up
you’d tell me you still love me but your too
afraid to say.
I’m going to miss the way you whisper my name
being without you nothing will be the same.
I can’t hurt you like I already have done too
I’m destroying you but the only thing that calms
me is your touch.
Baby believe me this is best
I’m just a burden to you and I’m putting you
through an unfair test.
I hate the fact I won’t be able to wipe away the
tears when you find theis you’ll cry
I could try to tell you I don’t love you anymore
but it would be a lie.
I’ll be gone and I won’t be able to hurt you any
more that’s all that matters
but when I pull the trigger will I feel you hart is
it shatters.
Baby I love you but it’s time to say good bye
pleas baby don’t cry.

I love you

I wanted to stop crying but I couldn't....running out of my house to his and it was all real when I saw ambulances and police cars on his driveway

That's just how I lost him

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