Finding Him

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      I paced back and forth in his apartment. What am I going to do? Then I spotted his computer. Quickly I sat down at the desk and it only took two shots to guess his password. Once his computer was unlocked I quickly clicked the phone tracker program and typed in his number then password again. "Bludhaven Bridge?" I read in confusion. Where the heck is that? I clicked his internet icon and searched for Bludhaven Bridge. Ten miles east of here.

     Within a second I was standing on the bridge. He sat on the ledge in his Nightwing uniform with four empty bottles of Vodka beside him and a half full one in his hand. His phone lay discarded and cracked on the ground of the bridge beside the ledge he was sitting on. "Dick," I said quietly to not startle him. "Go away. I get it, you're still in love with Artemis," he spat. "Artemis? What gave you that idea?" I asked confusedly. "All the dumb talks you two have that stop when I enter the room, leaving the cave together and showing up together, always being around and talking to her..." Dick began and sent me a pitiful look.

     "No, Dick, you don't understand. I'm not in love with Artemis," I tried to argue. "Am I not pretty enough? Am I not kind enough? I tried so hard to make you like me! I dropped hints and made flirtatious jokes and spent every moment I could since you came back with you. I didn't want you to die again not knowing how I felt because it was torture!" he yelled. "Is it because of my baggage? My psychotic family? Is it because I overwork myself? Is it because I'm not emotional enough or because you could never be put first above my brothers? Is it because I'm not a fucking girl? Is that it? Because I'm not a petite 5 foot 6 blonde that wears a C cup bra size? But that instead I'm a 6 foot 2 ebony that's overworked, overdramatic, and a failure that couldn't even tell you I loved you the first time?!" he screamed before collapsing into sobs and taking another drink out of his bottle.

Wonderwall (DickxWally/NightwingxKidFlash)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum