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Harry's POV

it was about an hour after the concert now and we were about to leave. Normally we leave seconds after the concert but tonight we didn't. I'm not sure why. But because it's now way after the concert fans and paps have begun crowding our exit.

Paul announced we were to leave now so I grabbed Sophie's hand and made my way to the door. We were to go as one big group. In the order Paul, Liam, Louis, Niall, Sophie, Me and then Zayn. We also had some of the security around us Paul informed us that there were about 50 paps outside.... Great. We exited the building.

The fans and paps were screaming our name and blinding us with flashes. I had sunglasses on but then realised Sophie wasn't wearing any. I bent down to her whilst we had stopped moving. The crowds were getting too crushing so security had made us stop in the middle. Not security's cleverest idea. I took this opportunity to ask Soph about her glasses.

"Why aren't you wearing your sunglasses?" I asked her. She knew how important it was. Especially with her narcolepsy. The bright lights could cause her brain to go into extreme stress mode and send her to sleep.
"I lost them" she said.
"Here" I said giving her my glasses. She took them and slipped them on her face. Shortly after we began moving through the crowed again.



"Over here!"

"Is it true that Elounor is over?!"

"Sophie please look over here"

I wrapped my arms around Soph's waist and pulled her though the crowed. Zayn was behind me holding my shirt and keeping his head down and in front of Soph was a terrified looking Niall. Niall hated crowds. Sophie had her head resting against Niall's back and she was clenching Niall's shirt in her hands. I helped her closely. The crowed was getting very very loud and it was taking forever to get through the crowd. Soph's body began gently shaking. She was crying. People were getting so close they were now tugging in our clothes. One girl reached out to touch Soph, Niall automatically turned to the girl and sent evils right to her before she could even think about touching her.

We finally reached the van and security pushed us through the door. As soon as we were in the door was slammed and the van immediately began pulling away. Hands began slapping and smacking the window. It was almost pitch black outside and we could only see the faces of fans from their phone lights. It was like a zombie apocalypse. Soph was in a fit of tears and was laying across mine and Liam's lap shaking and crying. The car suddenly jolted forward and the fans began screaming even louder.

"This is impossible to get through" the driver told us " I will end up hurting someone"

"Just keep trying. Police are in their way to help out" Paul informed.

The banging was getting even louder and bottles and water etc we're now being thrown at us. Soph was in complete break down. I was stroking her head trying to calm her. I pulled her up do she was straddling me and she put her head on my shoulder and was sobbing. Liam rubbed her back trying to calm her.

"Mum" she sobbed. "Mum. Mum. Mum" she cried out. "Make the screaming stop. Mum" she was crying our. It then suddenly hit me. This event of the fans and the van and the banging on windows and screaming and sudden jolting in movement was making Soph remember something she should never have to.... The crash. She was crying even more now. Her sobs filling the van. She kept crying out 'mum' and she was shaking so bad.

"Paul we NEED to get out of here now" I said emphasising the need. Paul caught on and told the driver to just drive and honk the horn at any stupid fans who decided to get in the vans way.

It took about another 5-10 minutes until we were on a clear road with no fans. Soph was still crying but not as bad. Liam had given her some music to listen too as we were trying to get out the 'crazy fan zone' it seemed to help a little but she was still really upset.

"Hey Soph you ok?" I asked

"Yeah" she lied.

"No your not" I said. Moving the hair from her face.

"Yes I am" she bodly stated me she climbed off my lap and over to an empty seat by the window. She still had Liam's music on. She sat by the window, tears rolling down her face.

"Soph?" I said. She ignored me. "Soph?!" I asked again. She turned the music up and faced away out the window. Pic took my seatbelt off to go over to her when Liam stopped me.

"Leave her" he told me.

"I can't leave her. She's in tears" I said.

"Talk to her at the hotel. Just you and her. She probably does t want to talk cause us guys (referring to everyone but me) are in here. We will give you two space to talk" Liam said. As much as I wanted to talk to her now Liam was right. I sat back down. Gemma was coming tomorrow. We can have a special family day out before the concert. Gemma, Soph and me.


sorry this is short and bad :/ I wrote it and then wasn't sure wether to upload it because it's not good. Please comment what you think. I will update soon I promise x
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Luv ya

Oh and sorry for any mistakes I wrote this on my iPad

Luv ya <3

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