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Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, the Chosen One, stood tall in the face of his enemy, and all that surrounded him, was fire.

The hangar bay was already in ruin following his infernal entrance into the Separatist Dreadnought, and the petty Battle Droid squadron that had been sent to greet him were nothing but a pile of scrap metal on the floor. Now, the real mission had begun. He knew Ahsoka was here, he could sense her. All he needed to do was find her, and no one would stand in his way this time.

He marched forward, making for the doors leading into the ship's corridors. They opened for him, revealing a platoon of Commando Droids. They raised their weapons, aiming right for the young Jedi's head, but Anakin Skywalker was no stranger to this. Like a supernova lighting up the dark of space, the blue sapphire blade of the legendary Skywalker lightsaber ignited and filled the room with its glow.

As one light appeared, a thousand more followed. The droids opened fire, sending laser bolts hurling Anakin's way. With speed imperceptible to even the droids' computerised eyes, the blade twirled effortlessly in the Jedi's hand, deflecting every bolt back at its source. Steel bodies fell to the ground. Of the ten droids sent to intercept the intruder, only three remained, for the other seven had been killed, by their own weapons. Before the remaining three could calculate a counter attack, Anakin was bearing down on them. They were nothing but children, trapped in a cage with a monster.

The droids' charred remains were left scattered around the room, and once the monster had finished chewing on the corpses, it moved on to find a main course.

As Anakin moved through the labyrinthine complex, he felt something dark, something sinister. There was a great disturbance in the Force, but what? he couldn't say. He closed his eyes, concentrated on the living Force, and tried to determine Ahsoka's location, but he could find nothing. He knew she was here, she had to be!

His focus was interrupted by an unnerving noise from behind him. It was the sound of another lightsaber igniting. The following voice confirmed Anakin's suspicions.

"Welcome, young Jedi" greeted Darth Tyrannus. "I've been expecting you,"

Anakin turned round, and looked the Sith Lord coldly in the eye.

"Where's Ahsoka?!" he growled.
"If you wish to see your Padawan again, you will surrender to me now," Dooku stated menacingly.
"I will NEVER surrender to you!" Anakin announced, before lunging at his opponent.

The two swordsmen's blades locked, with sparks of blue and red light filling the air. As both fighters stared down into the other's eyes, they knew this was the beginning of the end.

Anakin & Ahsoka: Two Souls - A Star Wars Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz