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It had only been minutes, but to Anakin it felt like hours. He was anxiously waiting for the railspeeder to come to halt, for he knew the next stop was his. He started to wonder, what was Ahsoka doing right now? Where was she? Was she safe? Was she alright? He closed his eyes, and tapped into the Force. He concentrated, listened, and tried to find some hint as to her whereabouts, but he could feel nothing. She was nowhere. He suddenly became very stressed and anxious. The only reason he could think of for there to be no trace of her whatsoever was... no, not her, was she dead?

No, shut up! Anakin thought to himself, I'm just stressed. She can look out for herself. Just wait a little longer, everything will be better soon.

At long last, the transit came to a stop at the Senate District Station. It was only a few minutes walk to Padmé's apartment. As he descended onto the platform, he observed its busy, bustling nature. People getting on and off, tourists meandering around, businessmen dashing about on their way to their next meeting, and in amongst it all, he saw...

A Togruta. Red skin, white facial tattoos, blue and white lekku, Jedi attire, could it be?

"Good afternoon, Master Skywalker," said a familiar, but disappointing voice.
"Oh, uh," Anakin was taken aback, but tried very hard not to show it, "Good afternoon, Master."

Alas, it was Shaak Ti. The two had always looked strikingly similar, to the point where some had even raised the question of whether they were in some way related. Shaak Ti was one of the wisest and most experienced Jedi the order had to offer, with a calm and serene demeanour, but Anakin didn't care about that. He wanted his friend back.

As she walked past and disappeared from sight, Anakin did the same. It wasn't long before he reached the rich, red-carpeted staircase leading to Senator Amidala's private quarters. He ran up, taking the stairs two at a time, desperate to be with the one he loved. He reached the top and rang the bell, expecting his beautiful wife to open the door and come racing into his arms, but there was nothing. He rang again, still nothing. After a third ring, the door finally opened, and out stepped not Padmé, but her bodyguard, Captain Typho.

"Greetings Master Jedi. I'm afraid Senator Amidala is off-planet right now. She has been sent to Malastare to carry out some negotiations on behalf of the Supreme Chancellor," the captain explained in a formal monotone.
"She never told me about this," Anakin retorted.
"Yes, it was quite spontaneous. As far as I can recall, the orders only came through today,"
"Oh... okay, thanks," Anakin said, though the words felt heavy in his throat.

With that, Anakin turned and left. He felt crushed. Padmé had been the one hope he'd held onto all day, now even that was gone. Was there no-one he could turn to? Then, it came to him. There was one friend who had always been there for him, one who's wisdom and guidance would be just what the young Jedi needed.

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