Chapter 1. I have no destiny?

Start from the beginning

It was so bad that when I was alive, I took a blood test to confirm if they were my real parents and siblings.

I wish it was otherwise, but the DNA test result verified that they were my family.  I would rather have my world would spin backward than my father berate me for doubting that they were my birth parents.

I can’t believe we are a blood-related family when they didn’t even celebrate my 1st birthday or even the birthdays after that…

Because of the unfairness and loneliness, I almost decided to commit suicide several times.  However, I refrained because my death would only benefit them.

I resolved to emancipate from my family once I graduate from high school and live like a fantastic human being.

…But, I really died in this fashion…

Whew. Still, I really hate being by myself.(No, it doesn’t matter since I’m dead)

Even if they lack affection I need someone’s existence next to me!

Isn’t there one age matching ghost around~~~!!!

“Ah! Of course!”

I was wrestling with boredom when suddenly a thought came to me and my face lightened up.

Right now, my funeral was taking place at the basement of a big hospital.

The whole floor had multiple rooms and except for restaurant and break room, all the other rooms were made for funeral services.

All the rooms can’t be for one person, right?

Each room was for a single occupant and each room definitely had different faces on the photo.

So, there should be multiple funerals going on other than my own.

I went around earlier and all the souls had disappeared to somewhere, but I won’t despair.

If I do not have luck, then I will have to make it!

If I am having a hard time finding a soul, then I should camp out next to a dying person and wait for the soul to come out!

Thankfully(?), hospitals are a special place where multiple people hover between living and dying.

It would be easy to find someone who would die soon.

This is great for me, since I would be able to find a friend.  The new ghost would also benefit from not being lonely.  It’s a reciprocal relationship. EE~~YES!!

“Nice!  Should I head out?”

Immediately, I made up my mind and went up towards the surface with no regret.

To be honest, I didn’t want to see my family faking sadness to look respectable at the funeral.

In the future when my spiritual power increase, I will move objects with my ki to scare my family! (I think I watched the movie ‘Ghost’ too much..)

If someone asked me to express how I feel in 3 phrases, I would not hesitate to answer.

It’s absurd, absurd, absurd… (TL note: says it 3 times in different form)

I’ve never experienced such absurd situation in all my life!

It was fairly easy to find the ICU at the hospital.

First, there was a sign on the first floor wall.  Since I’m a spirit that can move freely through walls, I didn’t have to get there using stairs or wait for elevators.

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