22 // liar jonahxzach

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It was my first year at High School, 6th week of Freshman year. Since I was a bit more advanced, I got to go with some 18 year olds . One that stood out to me was Jonah Marais. Every day I'd walk into first period and his eyes would always lock with mine. Some days his eyes were blue, grey, green, brown. He had multicolored eyes I guess. I walked to math, 1st period. I walked in and his eyes locked with mine. I blushed and quickly made my way to my seat. Today was the day that I'd finally ask the boy about his eyes. "Okay Class, get a partner that you don't know." He said. "Crap." I whispered. I was never that loud kid. I was always the shy quiet kid. "I choose the small one over there, Zachary." Jonah said, with a smirk. Ah fuck. I smiled, a fake smile. Jonah came over to my seat and sat next to me. Other kids started scattering. "Hi, I'm Jonah btw." He said. "Z-Zach." I said loud enough for Jonah to hear. "How old are you?" He asked. "15." I said. "15?! Jesus, you must be really smart to be in an 18 year old class." He said. I smiled. It was something that clicked. He all of a sudden was perfect. My Perfect.  We talked and talked. At the end of class, we eventually exchanged numbers.  He's one of the nicest people I've met this year.

~1 Year Later~
Me and Jonah sat together in first period waiting for the bell to ring. It finally rang and I ran out the classroom. Yeah, I could've wait for Jonah, but at the same time, I couldn't. "Hey, shorty." The same kid came up to me. This same kid thing, has been happening for a year. Still, somehow don't know his name. "D-D-Don't C-C-Call me th-that." I said, shutting my eyes as my back hit the lockers.  "d-did y-y-you say something?" He said stuttering, imitating me. "Please, d-don't h-hurt me."I said. This was basically a routine. Leave Class, get pushed into locker, beg, fall, cry, again. He finally let go and kicked me. "Still got no fucking guts huh?" He said laughing and walking off. I was fucking tired of this bullshit, these fuckers. "Hey, fucker." I said. Walking up to the asshole. "What did you call me?" He asked. "A. Fucker. English? You fucking idiot." I said. I saw Jonah walking out of the classroom. We locked eyes, I ignored him. "Z-Za-" He said trying to get to me. I kicked the asshole in, Well, somewhere I shouldn't. "Ah, you little shit." He said flinching. People were just crowding around. I kicked him in the shin. I was about to kick him again but then everything went black.

*2 hours later*

Where the fuck am I? "Zach." A familiar voice said to me. It was raspy and higher than usual. I woke up in, my room? I was at school. Holy shit? Is this how it is to be high? "Zach." The familiar voice said again. I finally got one eye open. "Omg, Zach." It said, I had finally realized it was Jonah. He picked me up and hugged me. I melted into the hug. "Zach, don't do that." He said. "D-Do w-what?" I said blushing. "Don't get into fights with 18 year olds!" He said. My vision got better and I could finally see his face. "Oh y-yeah, that a-asshole." I said. "Zach!" He said. I giggled. I started noticing red stuff on Jonahs face. I finally made up what they were. It was blood and scratches. "J-Jonah!" I said as I sat up on my knees inspecting the bruises and gashes. "Zach, I'll be fine." He said bringing me back down to his lap. I blushed. "No, but seriously, who did this to you." I said. "Wow, you didn't stutter once." He said. I smiled, Wow, I didn't. "T-That's not the point!" I said blushing. I got back up on my knees. "Josh." He said. "Who the fuck is that?" I asked. "The guys that you kicked in the shin." He said. Oh, that's his name. "H-He Hurt you?" I asked worried. "It's okay Zach." He said. "No it's not Jonah! I tell you everything!" I said. "No, you don't, Zach. You never told me that asshole was hurting you for a year! A year!" He said. I was speechless, how did he know? "I- " I said. "No, that's serious." He said. "Him hurting me once, is okay." He said. I sat back down on my bed. A tear spilled from my eye. "Zach, please don't cry." He said as he picked me up and set me on his lap. I tried pulling away from his grip. "Jonah let go!" I said sobbing. "No." He said hugging me tight. I kicked and slapped. I didn't like to hurt him. I finally slipped out of his grip. I fell to the floor. "Zach!" Jonah said trying to get me back, but I managed to crawl away. "I'm a liar." I said as I quietly sniffled. "Zach, don't say that." He said. "You know it's true. Yet you keep quiet, because you're scared I'll get mad or sad, but I'm no baby!" (Hah, what a baby, sobbing his ass off cuz he likes a dood LMAO IM SO MEAN BAHAHHA okAy iLl stOp) I said as I wiped away the tears from my cheek. He picked me up once again, I kicked but he had too much force over me, I gave up trying to loosen his grip. He set me down on his lap. I tried to run away but instead I fell on top of him. Shit, Shit, Shit. I turned a bright red. Jonah blushed. Holy shit. "Zach, look at me." Jonah said. I looked down at him. He pulled me down and kissed me on the lips. "J-J-Jonah." I said. He smiled. "Here you go Jona-" My mom walked in, I was still on top of Jonah. "Oh, um I should lea-" She said, But Jonah cut her off. "It's not like that! We were just um, YOGA! Yeah, Zach was teaching me Yoga." He said. "Z-Zach doesn't d- Never mind." She said. Jonah picked me up and set me down next to him. I slightly tilted onto his side. It was warm. "Zach, why haven't you told me about Jonah?" My mom asked. "I didn't know you'd be interested." I said blushing. "I'm always interested in your friends." She said. Friends? After that kiss? I asked to my self. "Oh." I said. "I'll be back later okay? Jonah, it was nice to meet you hopefully I can meet your mom soon!" She said. "Yeah, Okay mom cya later!" I said pushing her out of the room slightly. I shut the door and put my back up against it. I closed my eyes not realizing Jonah was still here. I opened my eyes to see a bright red Jonah. I smiled and ran up to Jonah. I smashed my lips into his. "I-I Love you." I said looking into his blue eyes. "I love you too, Zachary." He took out a bracelet and put it on my wrist. "If you truly love me, don't ever lose this." He said. I nodded with a smile.

~3 years later~

I was in the booth recording my last verse for Trust Fund Baby. I looked over at Jonah, and looked back down at my wrist. God, I love this kid.

(A/N: oOooPs it's rushed but I'm tired and wanna go to sleep cuz it's 11:14, oh shit I missed 11:11, oh well. gUd dAy sir, AND YES I DID JUAT ASSUME UR GENDER DEAL WITH ITS 2018! OKAY BAI BAI - 💙)

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