1 // what? zachxjonah

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a/n: it's currently march 26 2019 as i write this, the first chapter to the book was published late 2017. i have improved so much on my writing pls don't call me out for my horrible writing. i have gotten so much more better. don't read this book it's honestly so bad haha but i'm keeping this book published bc i just like to see the progress i've made. anyways. i have another boyxboy one shot book that isn't just janiel and zonah (this book is literally just zonah and janiel lol) so check that out. okay bye haha, just don't read this book it's just a waste of your time. OH WAIT ALSO TY FOR 100K READS ON THIS BOOK HAHAHA OKAY BYE- sincerely, leavety

I was in the kitchen watching Jonah cook. I usually dont watch him cook since its kinda boring but he was shirtless and his abs were so hot. He was singing to Ride as i sang along. He walked over to me and gave me my plate. I pretended to fall so i could touch his abs. "S-Sorry." I said as i ran my hand through his abs. "Whoa be careful you almost made me drop your tacos!" He said but i really didn't care about the tacos i just wanted to feel his chest. I laughed. I finished my tacos and went to the couch to watch Riverdale. I could hear foot steps coming towards me. It was Jonah. He had put on a sweater so i couldn't see his chest anymore. "D-DAMIT." I whispered under my breath. "Huh?" He said. "N-Nothing." I said blushing. "Huh, watching Riverdale again?" He asked. "Yeah, its a good show." I said as i looked at the TV. He laughed. "Who's your fav ship?" He asked. "Bughead all the way." I said smiling. "Same." He said as he sat down. I scooted over to smell his cologne. "Dont you have homework?" He asked looking at me. "Yeah, but i did it at study hall." I said. I yawned. He yawned right after. "ZACH! Why do you always get me sleepy!" He pouted. "I dont know! I guess its because im younger and need more sleep." I said. He laughed. We sat there and talked for awhile. "What are we gonna go to tomorrow?" I asked. "Dunno, i think we're just gonna hangout." He said. "JONAH! IM SOOOOO BORED!" I said jumping up from the couch and falling on my face. "Ow?" Jonah said picking me up. "Ow." I said rubbing my cheek. I ran over to the mirror. "Jonah, its red!" I said. "Zach, you're cheeks are naturally red." He said laughing. "I know! But there redder than usual." I said. He walked over to me and inspected my cheek. "Yeah, your cheek is redder than usual but you'll be fine." He said stoking my cheek. I looked into his green-ish blue-wish eyes. I smiled. He smiled back. "But im still bored." I said. "Wanna go to Walmart?" Jonah asked. "Sure." I said. We got dressed and went into the car. We heard something different and sang to it the whole way there. We got out and got a cart. "Hop in." Jonah said. "Im not a baby Jonah!" I said. "Why cant you be my baby?" He said, he realized that it came out wrong and he blushed. I smiled at him and hopped in. "So what first on our list?" He said as he pushed me through the aisles. "Gushers, cause Jack would go nuts if we ran out." I said as he ran to the snack aisle. He got them and put them in a cart. "Sunglasses?" I said as i read off the list Corbyn texted me. "Oh those stupid ones." Jonah said. We went to the sunglasses and started choosing one. "I think these Dora ones are fine." I said as i put them in the cart. He laughed. We got our stuff and went in the car. "Im still bored Jonah." I whined. "Wanna go to the pet store?" Jonah said. "YES!" I said. He laughed. "Ok but were not getting a pet!" Jonah said. "Fine." I said. He drove there and we got out of the car and walked in. "Look at all these animals!" I said pointing to the cats. We walked through the aisles and I saw the snakes. "No!" I said as I hid behind Jonahs tugging on his sweater. "Its ok." He said giggling. I ran out of that aisle in fear. He followed behind. We went in the hamster/guinea pig aisle. "Awee!" I said pointing to the hamster. "He's so cute." He said. I gave him the please-he-is-so-cute look. "Please!? He's only $15!" I pleaded. "I said were not gonna buy anything!" He said.

"PLEASE?!" He said tugging on my sleeve. "Will you take care of him?" I asked. "YES!" He said. "Will you love him?" I asked. "YES! YES! YES!" He said. "Fine." I said. He hugged me tight. "Thank you!" He said. We
asked the woman if we could hold him. She said yes. She put him on Zachs small hands. His jaw dropped. "He's so fluffy!" He said petting the back of the hamster. "Are you taking him?" She asked. "Yes!" Zach said. She grabbed him from his hands and put him in a small box. "I NEED TO BUY HIS SUPPLIES!" Zach said running around. I laughed. "Go get your stuff while i wait here with your hamster." I said. He nodded and grabbed a cart and grabbed technically everything that was hamster related. I sat there waiting there waiting for him, he took 30 minutes. He finally finished and we payed. "What are you gonna name him?" I asked. "Kermit." He said as he skipped down the parking lot towards the car. I smiled at how cute he looked. We got in the car while Zach was playing with Kermit. He smiled and laughed which made me smile. We got home and i took all the bags inside. "GUYS! COME DOWN HERE! I NEED TO INTRODUCE YOU TO SOMEONE." He screamed. I laughed. They all came running down the stairs. "Who?" Corbyn said. They all gathered around the island table as Zach put him down. They all squealed like 12 year old girls. I laughed. "His name is Kermit." Zach said petting his back. "Nice to meet you Mr. Kermit." Jack said as he put out a finger, surprisingly Kermit grabbed Jacks finger with his two paws. We all cooed in awe. "Well, he has very polite manners." Daniel said. "Yup." I said. Zach turned around and smiled at me, I smiled back. "Guys! Theres more!" Zach squealed as he brought 8 bags of hamster supplies. "Awee! This is so cute!" Corbyn said as he held the tiny bed. "Oh and look at his wheel!" Zach said. "Its silent so he wont make any noise at night." (If you're planning on getting a hamster I HIGHLY recommend getting a silent wheel.) I smiled and went over to the couch and sat down. I was scrolling through Instagram and Zach came down and sat next to me. "Thank you so much for the hamster." He said as he hugged me. "You're welcome." I said. "Lets so decorate his cage." I said. He nodded and we went over to the kitchen island. "A fish tank?" I said as I pulled it out of the bag. "Yeah, I did some research as I was buying the stuff and it said that glass tanks are better." He said. "Well, we're gonna go to sleep." The boys said. They came over to the Island and kissed Kermit and Zach on the forehead. Since Zach was the youngest he would get home sick, so we would have to kiss him good night. They waved at me and ran up the stairs. I laughed. I sat there with Zach as he tried to decorate the cage. "Im trying to get that bag over there!" He said as he stretched over the table. His small butt sticked out. I smacked it. "J-Jonah!" He said as he blushed a bright red. "What? It was sticking out!" I said biting my lip. He smiled and came up to me. "I swear to god, Jonah Marais." He whispered in my ear. He pulled away from my ear and bit his lip. How can he be so hot? I smiled and helped him decorate Kermits cage. We finished. "Done!" Zach said. "Where do you wanna put it?" I asked. "Our room." He said trying to pick it up. "Too heavy?" I asked. He nodded in embarrassment. I picked it up and took it to our room. Zach followed behind. I got in Zach and I's room and put it on the shelf. He yawned. "You sleepy?" I asked. He nodded. "Y-Yeah." He said. I picked him up and put him down on my bed. "Sleep on my bed, I'll take your air mattress." I said, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. "C-Can you sleep with  me?" He said. I walked over to the small boy and layed next to him. I kissed him on the forehead and pulled him close. He sighed in relief. I was cuddling with Zach Dean Herron.

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