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The next meeting has been awful. People kept staring at me and it made me kind of pissed. I want to apologize to America but it would seem weird. I should just tell him but I can't bring myself to do it. It's so hard for me because those god damn eyes always make me a mess. I wanna talk to him so bad. It feels like it's so hard to breathe when I stare at him. He always takes my breath away and it's awful. I can't believe I fell for him. It's so strange feeling this way for him, but I have to get use to it.

"Russia." I look over to see Germany, staring at me with an annoyed face. "Yes?"
"Were you even listening?"

"No. I'm sorry."

"Geez, what's up with you? You haven't been focusing at all lately. What's up with you?"

"Nothing. I've just been having some off days, not a big deal." Germany groans, "Fine. America, come and present." FUCK. "Sure thing dude!" America shouts. He sounds so cheerful and happy it's making my heart flutter and my stomach sick. I love him so much. I hate admitting that but I have to accept it. I stare up at America. He has a huge grin on his face and his eyes...his beautiful eyes.

They're sparkling with joy. They're still as blue as ever. I love them so much. I feel so sick at the fact he's making me feel so emotional. I hate feeling emotional. I hate this. Why am I so complicated? God dammit, America! Stop talking! I want him to look at me. I want his ocean eyes to meet my violet eyes. I need him to see me.

I tear up out of frustration. Frustrated because he's making me feel so much all at once. Frustrated because he won't stare at me with those eyes. I bang my fists on the table, "Fuck it! I can't take it!" I get up and walk around to the other side. I know everyone is watching me but I don't care. I walk over to America. "Russia? What are you doing?" He asks.

I stop right in front of him. His gaze finally meeting mine. I can't get enough of his ocean eyes. I start crying. "What's wrong?" I smile and pull America into a hug. He slowly hugs me back. More tears come down from my violet eyes. I love him. I love him so much.

I pull him away from the hug and immediately crash my lips onto his. I hear some people gasp, but that doesn't matter to me. I really need America right now. I want him to acknowledge the way I'm feeling. He isn't kissing back, but that's fine. He's probably too shocked. I pull away from the kiss and hug him again.

"I love you so much, America."

Ocean Eyes (Hetalia RusAme)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora