Long Live the King

Start from the beginning

Alexis was the one to break the silence. "Is it because of that... business I'm trying to solve with Diane? I know... I feel like I'm neglecting you. We used to go on a date way more often. Annie... I'm sorry. I promise I'll try to change it. Of course, my past is important, but so is my present. And that's you."

"What's with you today, Alexis?" Anna already looked irritated. "I feel perfectly alright. Maybe your conscience tells you otherwise, but trust me, I am!"

Alexis shrugged. "As you wish."

The lovers initiated a chat, but it was more similar to a bleak small talk, like they were talking to strangers they barely know. Even Anna's kisses weren't as warm and full of love as before. Alexis was sure there's something wrong with her girlfriend and she'd do anything to find out what it is.

Alexis usually hated to end the walk and leave Anna. It happened frequently that right after Dante's walk, Alexis went to Anna's home or vice versa, closed themselves in their room where they continued in their romance (much to Alexis' slight frustration, Anna still wasn't ready to get more intimate, but even shy touches and passionate kisses were an euphoric experience). This time, they just said goodbye and went into their respective flats.

"Hey, sis," Diane greeted her. "I've been looking at some webpages about..."

"We have to stop," Alexis uttered.

Diane looked confused. "Why?"

"Because we basically devoted our lives to a dead guy!" Alexis exclaimed. "In the past weeks, we became obsessed with that Arlington dude. We haven't solved a single case. We're forgetting to live our life. And... I feel Annie is drifting further and further away from me."

"So you got problems in your love life, huh?" Diane replied. "You shouldn't be so tragic about it. Every relationship has ups and downs, it's normal. I'm actually pretty amazed that you are dating for, like, half a year already and you didn't have any bigger argument so far."

"I know it sounds like a cliché," Alexis said, "but me and Annie were made for each other. She's the love of my life, my soul sister. You know how much I love her. So of course I'm tragic about it when she started to act so strange. I dread losing her."

"You really shouldn't worry so much," Diane said. "It'll be alright in a few days."


It was not.

Alexis' feeling of despair grew bigger each time Anna cancelled her plans involving Alexis for seemingly no reason. The impaired girl was still able to interact with Alexis romantically, but it seemed forced, just for the sake of keeping the relationship alive.

Alexis desperately wanted to know what's behind that sudden change, but Anna was getting angrier each time Alexis asked. She insisted that everything's the same, that nothing happened. That just Alexis is getting paranoid. But Alexis knew it's not true.

She decided to ask the person closest to Anna.

Alexis took the chance when Anna went out - alone, without her. She went into Anna's flat where she found her girlfriend's brother in the middle of cooking. Augustus turned around to see her. "Alexis," he said. "Welcome. Nice to see you."

The girl sighed. "Gus, I need your help."

Gus took a chair and sat by the kitchen table; he gestured at Alexis to do the same. "If you wanna know why is Annie acting so strange lately," he said, "I have no idea either."

"But you admit something's wrong with her. It's not just my imagination."

The man nodded. "She barely talks to me. I don't recognize her! It's like... she's returning to the times shortly after the accident. She went through a phase which is identical to the situation now - apathetic, irritable, introverted... well, more introverted than usual. She was prone to depressions and even considered suicide several times. I was so glad it's gone. But now... it's back."

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