The House on Hawthorn Lane

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This is a short story I wrote for my English class and I really liked it. 
Triggers: murder, stalking
Word count:1773
Genre: Horror

Katherine and Grace have been friends since the 6th grade and are in there last year of high school together. Katherine is 5'7 and very athletic with long deep brown hair. She is known not to hold back on what she has to say about people. She comes off as rude sometimes but only if she needs to be. Grace on the other hand is only 5'2 and has short bleach blonde hair. She is more focused on her grades and gaining knowledge than anything else. Grace and Katherine are the complete opposite of the other and that is what makes there friendship work. They believed from a young age when they met that with Katherine's attitude and athletic skill and Graces smarts and technology expertise that they could conquer everything life threw at them.

On a typical Friday night they would switch on and off spending the night at the other one's house, and this week was Grace's place. They had both had a long hard week with it being finals week just right before Christmas break. Grace had an extra special night planned because she wouldn't be able to see her friend over Christmas break. After all, Katherine was going to visit family down in Texas. They were going to meet at grace's house and then drive to get some food at a close restaurant. They decided to walk and enjoy the descent winter weather in Oregon. They lived in a smaller big town where most things were close if you didn't live too far out of town and grace and her mom lived in a small one-story house just on the outskirts of town. 

There was a small diner about a mile and a half from Grace's house that she and Katherine would often eat at if they didn't feel like cooking. Katherine's blue Ford ranger pulled into graces driveway at about 5:00 just as Grace's mom was leaving to work the night shift at the town's only hospital.

"You girls be safe and don't stay up too late." Grace's mom said as she was going to the car. She gave both of the girls a hug and backed out of the driveway and started to drive towards town.

"It's only 4:30 so we have time to get cleaned up before we head to the diner." Grace explained as she grabbed Katherines' overnight bag and started to head up the porch steps.

Katherine followed Grace into the house and both the girls headed to Grace's room. Grace had the bigger of the rooms in the house. It had its bathroom with a door that didn't lock and three large windows that looked out into the huge backyard. During the winter you can see the neighbors house almost a mile away. The girls went into the room and started to change out of there school uniforms into their street clothes. They knew they were going out but didn't have anyone to impress because tonight was just about them having a good time so they didn't worry too much about dressing up.

"It's five we should start walking it's supposed to get dark around nine tonight," Grace told Katherine as she was tying her shoes.

The girls had decided to walk to the diner to save gas. It was only about a mile away and Katherine being the athlete she is always looking for an excuse to exercise. Grace agreed because it's so nice out and it gives them time to talk about whatever. They left the house and made sure to lock the door behind them. They talked about all the latest things going on in there life and all the drama going on at their high school and even talked about Graduation and what colleges they applied too and what ones they want to go to. They arrived at the diner about thirty minutes later and sat down in a booth.

"Evening girls haven't seen you guys around here in a while."The young waitress said with a smile. The girls smiled back and explained how they have been busy with finals and small talked for a bit then ordered there usual cokes and two burgers with fries for them to share.  The waitress came back with their food only fifteen minutes later and the waitress couldn't talk because a small crowd of teenagers had just come in.

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