Alexis gave her sister a menacing look. Diane just smirked and shrugged.

The other side of the conversation was silent for a while, then the client finally spoke. It was a deep, mumbling male voice. "Good morning. I hope that your services are as good as your rhymes, since I request your assistance. Do your services also cover monsters?"

"Of course," Diane replied. "We cover ghosts, monsters, demons to some degree, aliens, cryptids, mutants, yōkai and people with magical powers. We just don't mess with zombies. They're gross."

"I've seen your photo in the newspaper," the client replied. "I bet that you are that brunette one."

"For the right guess, you receive a one percent discount!"

The man sighed. "I'd prefer to meet you in person. Do you know the Wavehouse in Icaria?"

Of course. Everyone knew the creation of an eccentric architect, a 10-floor building curved and shaped like a sea wave. At the first glance, it was a wonder that the whole thing was still standing, but it was balanced so well it was able to survive a hurricane. It wasn't, however, suitable for living. It served as a multipurpose building for auctions, expositions or important meetings.

"Oh well... there's one... tiny problem," Diane said. "My sister, the mature and responsible one, is indisposed at the moment. How long can you wait?"

"Until tomorrow," the man barked.

Diane looked at Alexis. The ill girl shrugged and nodded. I will be alright tomorrow, she mouthed.

"Is that a problem?" the client continued. "Sorry, but I am in a hurry. If you can't arrive tomorrow, I'll have to hire some specialists from the outside."

"That won't be necessary," Diane replied. "We'll arrive."

"Good. See you soon, then," the client ended the call.

Diane looked at Alexis. "You sure you can do it, sis?"

Alexis shrugged. "I'll have to. If I take some medicaments, maybe I'll be able to function properly. We can't afford to lose a contract, right?"

"Yeah, but only as long as your health isn't at risk!" Diane objected.

Her sister smiled. "That sounded almost adult, Dee."


The next day, Alexis was in a slightly better condition.


Her eyes were still red and teary and she spent most of the time with a tissue in her hand, but at least she was able to meet the client in Icaria.

The girls, however, took the TEx even though the distance was relatively short and suitable for a walk. The blooming trees and flowerbeds would worsen Alexis' condition, so the dry, artificial air in the monoral was a much better choice at the moment.

Icaria district resembled the cities often depicted in science fiction art with sterile white skyscrapers, buildings of eccentric design and neon lights. It was the centre of technology in Gabriel's Gardens; the stores near the centre of the district usually contained the latest models of phones, tablets and computers as advanced as their advertising, frequently talking robots or interactive holograms.

"At least there aren't many flowers here," Alexis said. They were walking the Silicon Avenue leading straight to the district centre where the Wavehouse was located. "I love to appreciate their beauty, you know, but I have to build some tolerance first."

They passed a store offering the newest model of Reality+ glasses, a device for augmented reality worn on eyes like regular glasses. A robot similar to a white version of C-3PO from Star Wars stood in front of the store and waved at the bypassers. "Upgrade your reality now!" it shouted. "The knowledge of the whole world right in front of your eyes! Reality+, now even better!"

The Sisters: The Curse of Gabriel's GardensWhere stories live. Discover now