#4 Prank Time!

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This is request from Enma_Ai156 . I'm very very sorry for taking so long to make this.. I can't use phone/laptop very often..

but hope y'all enjoy :D

Warning : Weird story, bad grammar.

A/N : Ice is alive here. This story isn't based on the last chapter.

Quake : Thorn! Throw the trash, please!

Thorn : Okay!

Quake : After that clean the fruits and vegetables, please. I will make some salad later. Oh and bring some chocolates to houses, kay?

Thorn : Uhh.. okay..

Thunder : Blaze, Cy! Stop playing around and move those boxes to the kitchen!

Blaze, Cy : Eesh.. alright..alright..

Thunder : *open Blaze and Cy's room* YOUR ROOM IS SO DIRTY! Clean this place immediately!

Blaze : Hey, we still move the boxes here!

Thunder : I don't care! Just clean your room now!

Cy, Blaze : -__-'

Quake : Solar! Stop taking selfies will ya? Can you buy some groceries, please?

Solar : *fix his hair* Fine..

Quake : Owh! And give Yaya the money she got from her biscuit..

Solar : Kay.. wait, the heck?

Thunder : And Ice!

Ice : Zzz.. *wake up* Yeah?

Thunder, Quake : Do the laundry!

Ice : Aww.. man..


Solar, Ice, Blaze, Cyclone, and Thorn are at the living room, well lying on the floor because they are really tired because Quake and Thunder made them do many work.

Solar : *panting* Is this done yet?

Blaze : Please.. too.. tired..

Ice : Zzzz..

Thorn : Mama... I can't feel my body ~_~

Cyclone : Too much work..

Quake : Ay? You all tired? C'mon, it isn't that much..

Solar : It isn't? Dude, you made us to do like 10 tasks..

Cyclone : Yeah, and this weekend we need holiday! Not some stupid workhouse to be done.

Thunder : Well you know what? Life isn't fair, sometimes it gives you something you don't like.. to do work for example..

Quake : Agree. And now stop chit chatting and start working.

Blaze : Again?!

Quake, Thunder : Yup.

All except Thund and Quake : NOOO!

Quake, Thunder : *roll eyes* *leave them*

Cyclone : Do we really have to do it again?

Thorn : Don't wannaaaaa....

Solar : Is there anything we could do except working?

Blaze : *light bulb appear* I know what we should do!

Ice : What? Please don't tell me to prank them or something..

Blaze : Well actually I was about going to say let's buy some ice cream after this but, it's a great idea! Let's prank 'em!

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