"I would've opened that for you, just quit allat for a lil." He said.

I still didn't answer I just walked to the front door as he strolled behind me. He sighed and opened up the door as he walked in and noticed the note I left on the counter a few days ago.

He turned to face me "What's that about?." Referring to the note.

"You were moving weird, you stopped calling me and when I visited you, you basically told me off and just cut me off then on top of that but I told you I was pregnant with your child you shrugged me off." I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm glad you brought it up because I've been dying to talk about this for a fucking hot minute, seriously do you have no heart? No sympathy for someone other than yourself? Like are you shitting me?." I said tearing up, truth be told I was lonely my parents and I were not on speaking terms however my mother would continuously spam my phone for what ever twisted reason she had, Vanessa had her own life, and Chantel was on vacation.

He sighed and sat beside me, wiping my eyes and putting my feet in his lap.

"Alright listen I planned on coming home sooner but unfortunately I had got into several fights with these niggas, to cut a long story short I was in isolation for some time that shit drove me fucking crazy Kimberly! . When I stopped calling you that was the reason why. And then when I saw you I was just lost for words, I was angry, lost, and depressed I missed seeing your pretty face and I guess Ian' know how to speak to you, all in all I was just frustrated and I'm sorry if I hurt you, now reading that letter I see how much I hurt and I'm sorry but if you feel the need to move on then I understand." He said sighing a rubbing his hair that needed a much needed cut.

I just looked blanked at him just taking in all that he said in.

"By the way what we havin?." He asked.

"Well I'm still upset and it's gonna take a lot of ass kissing to get back to where we were but I feel I can eventually look past it in due time, but since you've left there's been so much drama." I said sighing.

"First things first were having a girl, uhm I wanted to name her Juliette but if you have any input then I'd like to hear it, Vanessa turned out to be my sister, Christopher raped me and ugh." I rolled my eyes as old feelings and emotions began to resurface.

"Well Juliette is a cute name I like it honestly whenever you say is fine by me. and damn so ya parents been finessing you the entire time? but I could've told you that y'all look the exact same but It's sad that you had to find out like this and he what he did?." He said growing angry.

"I don't want to talk about it, he said he's schizophrenic and I'm slowly trying to forget it." I said

"Kimberly Giselle James, if you don't tell me I'll find out  anyway so just tell me now, I knew he been schizophrenic because back in high school we use to get into random fights all the time and then he'd calm down and act like it was nothing and that ain't shit happen." He said seriously.

I sighed although I remembered vividly of what happened that day.

"Well he kissed me then threatened me, soon he pulled down his pants and forced himself into me, also saying that he'd been wanted his way with me for a very long while. Then while I was crying he slapped me and all bunch of shit like I need to stop crying and if I don't then your sentence could increase and my baby would die." I sighed wiping my eyes once again.

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