Omake/Chapter Ten

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Katekyo belongs to Akira Amano

The characters may or may be not OOC

'inner thoghts'




"boss mode/ angry"

"phone/ wlakie talkie/ etc."

*place/ noises*



>Autohr's POV<

Right now our favorite Vongola famiglia is in a crazy situation:

Our beloved cute Tuna-fish... no, scratch this... our frightening demon of a Boss is chaseing the one and only elite assassination squad and some of his Guardians, while the other guardians laugh their butt off, the class sweat drops and Reborn sipps a esspreso in a destroyed Cafe. Mind you, this was Tsunas favorite Cafe.

But how did this happen? Well it began after Lunch:

>Tsuna's POV<

~Sunday at Lunch~

Grandpa Teo, he insist that i must call him like this, stands up to gain every ones attention.

"I am sure you all are dying to roam the city, but befor you do so i have some safety precautions to make:

At first, a group of selectet people will guide you around. To do so you should part in six groups. 

Seconds, do not leaf your group, the city can be dangours.

And last have fun .... and dont destroy anything." at the last part he looked at my Guardians. Who dared to only shrug.

We stood up and walked to the front gate, were the people who will accompany us were waiting.

"Vooooiiiii!!!! What took you so long" i sweat dropped. 'Dio mio, Grandpa Teo what were you thinking your doing?' (my god)

After the other members of the varia greeted us in their own way, Squalo split us in six groups:

1. Group: Hayato, Bel, Haru and some others.

2. Group: Takeshi, Squalo, Chrome and some others.

3. Group: Ryohei, Lussuria, Hana, Kyoko and some others.

4. Group: Lambo, Levi and some others.

5. Group: Mukuro, Mamon and some others.

And 6. Group: Me, Kyoya, Xanxus, Reborn and some others.

I was in Kyoyas group so he doesnt bite them to death for crowding. Xanxuns dont like everyone else and Reborn wouldnt leaf my side. But the best comes yet, we took Lambos group in. I will never let Lambo lead a group around the town alone, who knows what he will do.

So our group was the biggest, but quitest, cause the scairest beings was here.

We took a bus, because i did not want to attract attention. We stopped in front of my favorite Cafe.

"So minna~ you can now roam the town, pleas come back at 5 pm to this cafe" i pointed at a big Cafe in front of us.

>Author's POV<

The group with Tsuna and his friends, suffered in this time a serve trauma. They saw how a cute fluffy bunny (Tsuna) dragged four predetors (Kyoya, Xanxus, Levi & Reborn) together with an annoying little cow (Lambo) into candy shops, cake shops and more fluffy shops. By the time they should go meet with the others, they were traumatized.

~ten minutes before the accident~

Bit by bit every group strolled in. Tsunas group told the other classmates, who gathered in a corner far away from these lunatics, what they saw, the others didnt belived them. Varia and Guardians gathered in the other coner.

Varia and guardians at the same place leads to chaos, and chaos leads to destroying. Tsuna was so focused on his Strawberry short cake he didnt hear them quarrle. Until someone dared to say something about Pineapples. This was followed by something like female sharky, Ahoshi, Baseball-freak, Haya-chan, Baka-Dera, shity boss, kamikurosu, Voooiiii's and extrem's. It gets even better:

After the word fight they took their wepons out, thank the gods the customers leafed the cafe fast. Not ten seconds later bombs, swords, tridents, shot guns, knives, parabola, grenades and illusions fly everywhere.

The cafe was razed to the ground.


Where were we... ah right... a angry Tuna demon was hunting a assassination squad and some of his Guardians. Lambo and Chrome were the ones who laughed. After he captured them the class fainted of the violence they saw, never they thought a cute little bunny could bash up scary predetors.

In the meanwhile nobody noticed that some one was missing.

>???'s POV<

*in a dark alley*

I didnt see the man in the dark, but i knew he could give me what i longed most for. Revenge.

"Are you ready to destroy Vongola wizh your actions?" the man said. I snorted

"all i want is revenge, i dont care about Vongola"

The man in the dark chuckled "good all you have to do is....."


TCB (To be coninued)

This is the second last chapter.  

So hope it was ok, any comment is a blessing


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