Yerim then serve Woojin with a plate of waffles and a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallow. He enjoy his breakfast while Yerim went to wash the plates and mugs that used by her and Daehwi earlier.

Daehwi sit next to Woojin. He is playing playing game while Woojin done eating. Woojin look at Daehwi and tapped his shoulder which make Daehwi to look at him.

"Daehwi"Woojin called out

"Yes hyung?"

Woojin leand in to his ear and smirked before he whispered..

"Use protection"

Daehwi's face turned red at his hyung's words and Woojin just laugh his ass out. Little did he know,Yerim accidentally heard what did Woojin whispered to Daehwi.

As Woojin walked into the kitchen with his dirty plate and mug, Yerim slapped his arm very hard but for Woojin he only feel like someone tapped him. Well, but he still make sound.

"OW!"he said playfully

"Don't say inappropriate stuff oppa"she said

Woojin again laugh his ass off and wash his plate and mug.

After that, the trio then walk to the school together. They talk about stuff, crazy jokes and teasing.

"Woojin! Yerim! Daehwi!"

They turned their head to the owner of the voice. There's Jihoon who is running up to them. Woojin is the one who excitedly give him a brotherly hug. They then pull away from the hug.

"Hey Jihoon~good morning"Yerim greet

"Aye Yerim! Good morning too, princess"Jihoon greeted back and fist bumped her as she did the same

"Hi hyung.."Daehwi said with annoyance and jealousy in his voice

"Hey Daehwi! Whussup bro"he said

Daehwi just plainly smile. He then pulled Yerim closer to him and put his arm around her waist,hugging her tightly. Yerim look up to see Daehwi with his annoyed look.

"Eh? Are they a couple?"Jihoon whispered to Woojin

"Yup"Woojin replied with a grin

Jihoon then turn to look at the couple again. He then secretly smirk.

'Ah..finally my ship is sailing!'he thought happily

Jihoon then put his arm around Woojin's shoulder and shouted..

"Eyy bro! Let's go to the school first! Kids we'll be get going~byeee"he said playfully

He dragged Woojin who is smirking like a drunk pervert. As he passed by Daehwi, they made eye contact and Jihoon signaling him with a wink. Daehwi then smile.

As the two Park out of sight, Daehwi then stopped Yerim to walk and face her.

"Do you know that how much I hate to hear nicknames from other guy to my girl?" Daehwi said while stared into her beautiful eyes


Daehwi pull up Yerim's chin to face him and he started to leans in until their noses touch. He eyed her lips and close the gap between them by kissing her softly. Yerim melt into the kiss and kiss him back. Daehwi smiled in the kiss. The two then pulled back and rest their foreheads together.

"I love you so much sweetheart"he said with a smile

"I love you too sunshine"she beamed cutely

Daehwi then give her a peck which caught her off guard.

"Gosh Yerim! You're too cute to resist you know?"

"I know I'm cute~don't be jealous of my cuteness!"she said playfully

"Tch"he rolled his eyes to heaven

They walked to the school together with their fingers intertwined. They entered the school with their fingers still intertwined and the students start to 'ooh' and 'aah' at the couple.

They walked to their class and take their seat. Luckily, the two are seat mate. Daehwi fish out his phone and continue to play his previous game while Yerim is sketching someone's potret on her sketch book.

Guanlin then come in the class and take his seat. He then slammed his hands on Daehwi's and Yerim's desk, make Yerim to draw a line on her sketch and make Daehwi to drop his phone on the floor.

"Damn you Guanlin. What's wrong with you dude?"Daehwi asked as he pick up his phone

"Why don't you tell me that you two are couple now?!"he exclaimed in disbelief

"I thought you know about this already?"Daehwi said

"Nooooo!"Guanlin whined

Yerim just groaned and erased her sketch again. She then start to draw from the start.

"Yah Eleanor Park, don't ignore me"Guanlin said

"I told you how much I hate being called by my English name, Edward Lai"Yerim retorted while stuffing her sketch book in her drawer

As they busy bickering, they didn't notice Haerin is infront there.

"Attention ladies and gentleman. So today, some of our teachers will not teaching us today because they are having a meeting. I need your co- operation. You may do your business but please control your voice volume. That's all and thank you"she said before leaving to jer seat.

The students then start with their business. Some of them play with the apps from their gadgets, gossiping about hot seniors and so on.

Yerim is left out by Daehwi and Guanlin went to the toilet. She is with her phone as she is watching some dance cover.

But then her phone buzz which means she got a message. She ignored it and her phone buzz even more.

She ditch her dance covers and went to see who message her.

"Unknown number?"

I'm back and here is a new ch. for you all~hope you enjoy it

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