The flames of justice~ Chapter one.

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Before we begin I'd just like to say that this is my first ever original concept story, so if you like it please comment and vote so I have the inspiration to update again!

He looked into the back into the darkness. One day he'd return to it, but for now he couldn't. The flames licked up the building, engulfing the estate in a golden flower, and all he did was blankly stare: in an almost catatonic state, as the only things he knew, apart from 'It' and the darkness that 'It' brought, burnt into a thick dust. He didn't cry as he watched the blaze- he subconsciously smiled, after all how would such a grand fire light itself?

A sound of shouting and sirens drilled into the young boys head as the many emergency vehicles pulled into the perfectly designed grounds. Of course no one would've suspected a child that acted so innocent and sweet in the public eye. The boys name was Vincent, Vincent Blaese, and the only reason he was caught was because of his crippling reliance on bragging and flirting.

The moment the flame had dropped on the first piece of parchment, he'd sent out a letter to all his acquaintances and people he'd class as close associates. 'I'd like to thank you all for your contribution...I'm positive that you'd be extremely impressed by how fast the fire I'd gleefully lit has spread...' He had written this letter in advance, it was indeed very twisted but he adored it as he had carefully got it delivered so he'd have bragging rights. He didn't imagine that it'd result in the police pulling onto the grounds a mere hour after the flames had started spreading.

Interrogation didn't do anything to him, all he did was make his case worse- the only thing to assist him was the people who lived in his head. They were always following him, they were his closest friends- apart for one of them- It. In all honesty he knew nothing of 'It' but the presumption was that 'It' was only there to make his life hell.

"Indeed, listen to Molly! She was with me at the time, I told you I'm innocent!" He started shouting for what seemed like ages, to no one in particular. Annoyed without a response, he huffed deeply and spoke to the friends that surrounded him in a hushed voice.

The police officer's forest eyes shimmered with slight interest but they quickly turned darker, his face turning into a grimace. "I'll have a word with the judge before the trial. I plead insanity for you." His voice was rugged and harsh but he seemed almost intrigued.

"Well just knock it off! I'm not bloody insane!" Vincent yelled, his glare shaper than daggers as he attempted to stand from the chair but shackles around his wrists bound him down.

This blue haired boy was anything but sane, anything but innocent, anything but perfect. A loud sigh was heard from the officer as he slammed the door shut and walked out of the dingy room. The fire that burnt to the estate to the ground wasn't clear, every moment was sketchy in his brain, always changing. And at this current moment he remembered nothing of his own actions.

The previously noble-man threw his head back in anguish, angry tears pooling in his green eyes, the black bags deeply set around them now splattered with salty water. But he needed to remember: he was the only Blaese heir so it'd be an absolute disgrace if he was found crying, with an almost unnatural change of emotions he allowed a small smirk to cross his split lips, light blood emerging from the shallow cuts.

A crack of bones echoed throughout the small room as he awkwardly leant to the side attempting to grab something from his long hair with his strapped down hands. A small grip slid out of the blue strands into his pale hands. His smirk grew. He'd only ever heard of this is stupid myths of extravagant escapes and in stories of escape artists: but still the blue haired boy attempted to fiddle with the locks only to hear the door aggressively slam open, chipping the white paint on the wall

"I've told the judge of your insani-" The officer suddenly shouted as his eyes fell onto the grip the criminal was attempting to use to ease his way out of the shackles. "What are you doing! Do you have no regrets? Do you not want to atone for your sins- you idiot!"

"Well I regret a lot of things!" Vincent burst out laughing as his wide eyes stared at the suddenly fearful officer. "Having this conversation definitely tops the list!"

"Shut it." The officer glared at the blue haired boy through his elongated black bangs. The very sight of this seemingly weak boy suddenly frightened him, before he was pleading for innocence but now...he was completely mad. The plead of insanity was just because of the delirious conversations, but this! This was pure insanity! Never in Christopher's 19 years on the force had he seen this, the odd basket case came in but never would their entire demeanour convert so instantaneously. "You can act like this all you desire shortly- Judge Parker said you'll be potentially going to Orbourne asylum."

"Orbourne asylum! How very lovely!" He laughed loudly at this, the sound echoing off the dented flour coloured walls. "The place we all know is a complete nuthouse! How deranged must I be to get in there I wonder! I must be madder than the god damn March hare!" The insanity cracked a little, immediately leaving him limply panting in the metallic chair, tears dripping down his pale face. "I'm innocent I swear! I'm completely sane check my records, ask my friends...Molly? Fredrick? Albert? Allison? Where are you?" The broken boy sniffed, glancing round with tears crowding his vision.

"Oh sweet Mary, Mother of Christ- do not allow this boy to be serious with his false statements and profound sins." Officer Christopher mumbled, kissing a crucifix he kept neatly chained around his neck. "I'll make sure you can state that your sins in the house of the true God, before your delivery."

"Well knock it off!" Vincent shouted, he'd never believed in God, despite his families constant attempts to change his mind of the situation. "My apologies come with stating this- but I assure you, I shall not be needing comfort and forgiveness from that being."

"Fine. You shall burn in hell for your sins. However until then- Vincent Blaese you shall live out your life in the captivity of Orbourne asylum. There will be no trial available for you, sorry. But it's your fault for being a psychopath."

"It sounds fun! Truly fun! I've always- wanted to g-enter that nuthouse!" He laughed loudly, his speech detached from each word due to this sudden excitement. "When do I get the honour of leaving, darling?" He laughed louder at the mocking nickname, his chapped lips tearing again as he grinned.

"Tomorrow morning" Christopher spoke dully before smirking and speaking once more before walking out. "Don't call be darling, psycho."

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