Chapter 15

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Jinyoung pov

"Ugh" I groaned as the sun shone in my face waking me up. I twisted around feeling sore in my bottom....oh yeah.....I got up and walked to the bathroom to freshen up

I looked up at the mirror and saw all the marks on my neck. "Wow now I look like bam bam or yugyeom" I chuckled

"Hmm?" Jaebum walked in. "It's my turn in the washroom. I put my hands on his chest and pretended to push him out

"I'm offended !!!" He screamed. I laughed at him then smiled. "Sure..." we both stood there brushing our teeth side by side

We exchanged glances every once and a while. "MY KING" we heard someone knocking on the door loudly. "A MINUTE" Jaebum screamed quickly finishing up then running out

I finished up too then went behing him. "Jaebum!!!" Jackson ran up infront of the first old man that was at the door.

"What Jackson? He's trying to tell me something!" Jaebum groaned at Jackson interrupting the man. "Wait this is important!" Jackson grabbed Jaebum and ran down the hall while the man followed waiting for his turn, I ran too

"Finally!!" We heard yugyeom yell. "Jaebum look...." he said as we walked in. There was red...paint? On the wall and it spelled out numbers....

It said "01010011 01101111 01101111 01101110"
"What does that mean?.." I simply asked. "Jinyoung.......when you de-code this it says...soon" said bam bam.

Jaebum moves towards it and dragged his finger through it. "Its blood" he licked it off his finger but made a disgusted face. "Ugh it's troll blood" he scoffed.

"King" the old man choked out nervous. "I don't want to interrupt but this was by the gates..." he held out a letter and Jaebum grasped it

"Hand over the jewel or else next time it won't be troll blood but maybe vampire or...demon" he read the note and looked up as yugyeom gasped.

"J-Jaebum who would- " I started to speak thinking he was done but he continued reading

"If not, Maybe soon you and your kingdom will end up like your mother.....and jinyoung might end up as your father"

His face became even more angered and he crumpled the paper "track them down " he roared loudly shocking everyone

He grabbed my arm and started pulling me out of the silent room angry. "Jaebum I don't understand!?" I yelled

"Jinyoung were a kingdom we have wars, we have enemies" he spoke entering his room dragging me along.

"What the jewel? Will they hurt you if you don't give it!" I grabbed his arm and looked at him "no they'll hurt everyone. Including you" his hands made fists

I just stared at him. "Jinyoung. If they hurt you I'll make sure they have the most painful and slow death ever and if anyone even lays a finger on you I'll cut that hand off" he growled

"You don't have to!" I said. When we almost sat on the bed Jaebum stopped and stared in utter shock at He bed. "What's wrong?" I looked down and saw the sheets red....blood red

The stinging smell hit my nose and I realized the red liquid that somehow was on the bed from when we were gone is blood

"Shit" Jaebum said stumbling back. "It's elve blood" he said looking at me moving away and pulling me with him.

"JACKSON BAMBAM" Jaebum yelled and the two walked in. "Jaebum pointed to it and they looked shocked. "There's a note. Read it since I can't" he said and I was confused, why was he scared of blood all of a sudden? He just touched some downstairs? He's a vampire?

"Bummie why are you scared? Why can't you touch it?" I asked him trying to get answers for my questions. "Its elf blood. My weakness, I can drink all blood but not elf blood, it's like poison to me. I can't touch it either or it'll burn me" he said stepping away.

"Jaebum the note reads.... ' this is my second warning and last..for now. The gem should be placed at Elmer's creeks peak at noon on the last day of this month or else the next blood you'll be drinking won't be of that nasty jinyoung but of an elf" "oh my god!" I began to get scared

"Jaebum!" I said as he just looked like he was used to this. "Jaebum!!! They can't hurt you!" I grabbed onto him. "This stuff happens all this time jinyoungie baby don't worry" he said

"No! I am worried now! What if someone hurts you!" I sad tears pooling in my eyes as I blinked them away

"That's the least of my worries right now" he spoke sad but mad at the same time.....

A/N JUST FEEDING U SOME CHAPTERS WHILE I PROCASTINATE!!! I know it's short but it's something and I'm going to make a markson chapter and a yugbam chapter soon but I'm going to fit them in when the times right or it kinda works in the story!!! 


Just blessing you with jjp

Demon Vampire Prince - JJPWhere stories live. Discover now