Chapter 14

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Jinyoung pov

"AhhHhh jinyoung that was so delicious" Jaebum said to me after we finished eating the food we created. I couldn't take the smile off my face, I was so happy he enjoyed it

"Jinyoung the food was amazing but making it with you was great" he said. "I love you~" I sung as I did some weird dance move (a/n idk I feel like everyone just sings words and dances to them weird sometimes-unless that's only me)

"WHAT WAS THAT" he yelled and I laughed. "You really want to know what it was?" I asked and he nodded. "Come closer.." I said as I moved my mouth to his ear "IT WAS ADORABLE" I screamed in his ear and ran

"Wowowowow park jinyoung you are something. Also how does IM JINYOUNG sound" he screamed my name...or what he wanted my name to be. "Park jaebum?" I asked giggling

We both looked at eachother at the same time "Im jinyoung it is" we smiled then he kissed me. He broke away from me though. "Jinyoung I have to work I'm sorry" he said

"Oh sure. I'll just hang out with youngjae and mark as always" I said as I padded out of the room

Jaebum pov

I sighed and sat down. He always does that....always hangs out with youngjae and mark when I'm working which is often. What's their relationship...?
Marks dating Jackson but...youngjae

I wonder if they've dated in the past. I wonder if he's liked youngjae before. I wonder if youngjae likes him. STOP THINKING LIKE THIS JAEBUM I meant ally yelled at myself

I just wonder sometimes....he calls youngjae baby....hmmm why don't I see what he always does with youngjae and mark...I smirked and stood up from my chair

I stopped at the door, am I really going to be immature and follow jinyoung around secretly and stalk him just because I'm jealous instead of doing my work....? Ummm ofcourse

I peeked through the door then tiptoed our the hall. "Yes!!!! Let's go to mark and Jackson's room!!!!" I heard youngjae squeak.

I saw them walking away as youngjae grabbed jinyoung hand and leaned on him. I gasped and they turned. No way....I continued to follow them to marksons room.

They entered after Jackson let them in and I crawled in after a few minutes because I know Jackson and I know he doesn't lock his door ever cause he's an idiot.

I walked in and slowly went to this little corner close to his bedroom where I could perfectly peek over and see everyone in the living room

I saw mark sitting in the sofa and jinyoung on the other. Jackson walked up and sat beside mark then pulled him close (GUYS IF U WANT ME TO WRITE CHAPTERS ON MARKSON YUGBAM AND ANY SHIP PLEASE TELL ME ID HIGHKEY LOVE TO)

WHeres youngjae though? "Jaebum?" I heard a familiar voice. I turned and saw youngjae "shit!" I grabbed him and flipped him around so he was in between me and the wall.

"Shhh!!!" I put my finger on his mouth while I was really close to his face trying to shut him up so jinyoung wouldn't get mad at me for spying on him. "Jaebum....." I heard jinyoung voice.

Shit. I realized I was pinning youngjae on the wall to shut him up but it looked like something else. Ugh why do I keep getting caught?!

"Baby!!!" I said letting go of youngjae. "What're you doing?" Jinyoung said his voice cracking with tears brimmingin his eyes. Jinyoung was a little bit of a sensitive person at times

"Jinyoungie this isn't what it looks like" I said trying to grab him. He moved away and sighed "the bad boys always break the little worthless nerds heart..." he walked away

"Jinyoung!" I went for him but he was already walking out. I ran up to him and grabbed his hand and started dragging me to his room. "This gives me déjàvu of the day we met.." he said just letting me drag him not caring, well he was trying to look like he didn't care but he was sad and it was obvious

"Jinyoung listen. You know it wasn't real. It's just when I explain how it happened you will attack me " I said . "I'd love to do that now" he gave me a weak smile. "IM SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH YOUNGJAE SO I FOLLOWED YOU AND WAS SNEAKING AROUND YOU AND YOUNGJAE SAW ME SO I GRABBED HIM TO SHUT HIM UP SO YOU WOULDNT FIND ME!!!" I blurted out

I swear I had never seen jinyoung laugh so much. He just continued and continued. Five minutes later I was done with him "STOP!!" I yelled at him."IM SORRYYYYY" he screamed while still laughing

"Jaebum I can't get mad!! I'm trying so hard to get mad at you for, I don't know. 'Invading my privacy' but I keep imaging you peering over a corner to watch me and YOUNGJAE"


I huffed then turned away and crossed my arms "What the fuck I'm supposed to be the pouty one!?!" He yelled and I smiled but he didn't see since I wasn't facing him

He came around me and put his legs around my body and wrapped his arms around my chest while his was on my back and his chin rested on my shoulder. "Jaebum~"

"Bummmmie" "bumbum" "BUTTFACE!"

"Jinyoung!!!! I'm just jealous because youngjae and you are really touch and you're mine and only mine!" I admitted

"Hahahah I am though. Youngjae and me are like that. We've never felt anything more than a friendly love towards eachother so don't think that way

After all jaebum you're the one who gets to kiss me and hug me and love me and-" he was speaking but I interrupted him. "How about I mark you as mine?" I asked and it went silent for a minute.

"Why don't you?"

Also I'd like to give credit to @lizeth_emmet for giving me the idea of jaebums jealousy aND ALSO DID U GUYS GET BTS SUPERSTAR ITS SO AWESOME IM IN LOVEVEVEB

Okay honestly I'm so awkward can u guys relate ?!?!:$;@:: I DID THE MOST AWKWARD THING SKDHSKD I FUCKING BRUSHED HANDS WITH ONE OF MY FRIENDS THATS A BOY WHICH ISNT EVEN BAD BUT EVERYONE MAKES IT SEEM LIKE THAT AND IDK WHY IT WAS SO FUCKING AWKARD!!!/?;&:!: I hate how these things are considered AWKARD cause I'm screwed honestly!'dvsj

ALSO IM SO BLESSED THE TWICE GIRLS ARE GORGEOUS AND SWEET AND I JUST FUCKING LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭😭I drew them on my art account I meantime din the last chapter ! I won't mention the account  again because like yeahhhh sorry

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