“How about we have sandwiches,” I offered.

“Okay,” everyone chorused.


After we ate lunch we decided to watch another movie. Niall’s phone rang and he answered it.

“Hello. Really? When? Now? Okay, be there in a few,” he said, hanging up the phone. “Guys, we have to go to the airport. Scarlet and Danielle decided to fly in as a surprise. They’re at the airport right now.”

“Who’re Scarlet and Danielle?” I asked.

“Scarlet is my girlfriend and Danielle is Liam’s girlfriend,” Niall answered.

“Okay, you boys can go pick them up, us girls can stay here,” I said. All the girls agreed. “Bye.”

After the boys left we ran upstairs and decided to get Louis for throwing Sabrina and I into the water.

“So, what should we do to him?” I asked.

“Let’s hide his carrots, and tonight, when he’s sleeping, put him on a float in the pool,” Sabrina said.

“Perfect!” I exclaimed. We hid all of his carrots and watched a movie. After that we decided to order pizza. Once it got here we paid the guy and he left. The boys finally got back from the airport. They all ran inside and ran straight for the pizza.

“Food!” Niall screamed. I walked to the two girls that walked inside with them.

“Hi, you must be Scarlet and Danielle. I’m Madison,” I said.

“Hi, nice to meet you,” Danielle said.

“So you’re the girl that’s touring with them,” Scarlet said.

“Yeah, and this is my best friend, Kylie and my other friend, Anne,” I said.

“Nice to meet you two,” they said.

“Okay, we’re going out on the patio now!” Louis yelled. “We have lit the fire pit thing and we demand your presence now!”

“Okay, Louis. You don’t have to yell,” I said. We walked out onto the patio and there was a fire pit that was lit and there were chairs around it. The boys had already sat down and were waiting for us. We sat and talked for a while, roasting marshmallows and making a mess. The couples started kissing, and Kylie and Zayn were talking, so I went down to the beach and watched the waves.

“Hey,” Harry said.

“Hey,” I replied. We sat there watching the waves for a while and then I got up. “We should probably head back. It’s probably getting late.”

“Yeah,” he said. Then he decided it would be funny to grab me and throw me into the ocean.

“That wasn’t funny Harry!” I screamed.

“I’m sorry,” he said sarcastically.

“I will get you for this,” I said. “But you won’t see it coming because I am older, therefore smarter than you.”

“You’re a year older than me, that doesn’t make you smarter,” he retorted.

“Yes it does,” I retorted.

“No it doesn’t!” he yelled back playfully.

“Whatever,” I replied.

We walked back up to the house in silence.

“What happened?” Anne asked.

“Harry thought it would be funny to throw me into the water,” I said. I walked into the house and took a shower. Then I changed into PJ’s and went to sleep.

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