Cheater Shiro part 2

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You wanted a second part...took me a while, don't know how I feel about it. I feel I could be better; I hope you like it. Xxpeace

L/K/H/P = lance/Keith/Hunk/Pidge
L/S/M= Long/Short/Medium
B/Bl/Br/O= Black/Blonde/Brown/other

Song is Beth Crowley- Gone.


After the issue between the black Paladin and Yn; it's been kinda awkward. From Allura's point of view she didn't understand the issue at all.
She told Yn that she though Shiro had told her that they were over, Allura then spoke of comforting Shiro while he told her how he didn't understand.
Yn didn't stand it; however, will lots of space ice cream made by Hunk, she was getting over him...slowly.

Yn pov
I was sat in my room with L/K/H/P typing on the small laptop. I was scouting a near  by Galra ship for Intel, undected as much as I could.
L/K/H/P smiled as they rapped thwir arms around me.
"You've been working your butt off for hours....sleep please" they asked; pouting as they did so.
I huff slightly as I enter one last key before exiting the platform and shoving the laptop to the side.
"Thank you...again for staying up with me. I couldn't  ask for more" I mean back into their chest, sighing.
L/K/H/P nested their head in my hair as I did do, before speaking up.
"Its been five haven't talked to him or even been in the same room as him unless it was a mission. I'm worried about both of you. Shiro is like...Space dad to all of us" I grimace at his name. I still hadn't properly forgave him.  I could get the courage to do so- that and I'm still angered by what he did and said.
Thinking we were over? Where did he get that from?
Though, I knew I'd have to at some point as it's apparently breaking the team via Allura. 
I shake my head, my L/S/M B/Bl/Br/O hair curled around my face.
L/K/H/P took a deep breath.
"Go. You need to accept that you have indeed moved on. Go tell him. Now, or no hugs for a month" I scoff before looking up into their eyes.
They were dead serious.
"No hugs...a month?" I question. They smirked and nodded their head.
"I'm not that petty. I can go without hugs. Watch me"

"No ice cream." They suddenly say. I leap up, standing in front of them.
"That's just mean..." I say before going to the door.
"You can do this. Just tell him" they say as they stand behind me.
I smile

The walk to Shiro's room was painful. I didn't want to do this really; but I wanted to tell him that if moved on.
Myself and L/K/H/P had grown close. So close.
My feet knew where I was going apparently because I found myself at his door a moment later. I stood, my fist raised to knock. I took a deep breath before looking up at the white and blue Altean door.
I knocked three times.
The door swung open.
A tired but alert Shiro stood in his PJs, his eyes wide.
"Y-Yn, shouldn't you  be in bed, it's late." I shake my head for the second time that night.
"I need to speak with you." I say, my hands clenching into fists as I spoke.
I didn't hate him, I just...i don't know.
"Sure." He stepped aside and let me into his bedroom, that I've been in too many times.
He sat on the bed and I stood against the bed frame.
"So, you and L/K/H/P huh..."
I smile meekly.
"Yeah...You know; I could never get myself to hate you. I just couldn't. You're our leader...our father figure for the the others. I wanna let you know that I never forgave you, but I think it's time I did. It's childish of me. So, I forgive you. And I apologise for ignoring you and not talking to you. I'm sorry I went crazy and hurt you. Thing is; I'm with L/K/H/P now and I love them. It may seem as if I've moved on pretty quickly but i didn't. It took a while to. But I did becuase I was sick of hurting and I was sick of being alone, I felt alone. Not wanting to seem desperate so I just put up with it."
Shiro looked at me, he swallowed before smiling.
"I forgive you. It was stupid of me to so such a thing; and it's haunted me for a while but...knowing that your happy is enough for me. So please, don't feel sad anymore. I'm sure L/K/H/P will take great care of you. I'm glad you found someone better. Now then. Tommorow we'll all start training early in the morning. Get to bed and sleep well."

I smile as I hug him  close.
"Thanks, space Dad...." I say before turing back and walking back to L/K/H/P room. Once there, I slide into the bed and I snuggled close into their chest.
"It worked. He accepted me again." I mumbled into their shirt.
"Told you love.." they speak into my hair.

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