Nightmare- Keith x Reader

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(YN) your name
(CE) colour eyes
(CH) hair colour
Song- Nightmares Set It Off

They're coming, creeping from the corner. And all I know is that I don't feel safe.
I feel the tapping on my shoulder.
I turn around in a alarming state.

Keith sat beside his bed, panic and fear ran through his bloodstream like fire. Purple spolches covered his pale body, his face hiden in his arms. He didn't want to look up and see the beast which looked back at him. The paladin was trembling and shivering with sorrow and despair. Why was this happening? Why now?
Keith screamed into his arms, tears doling down his face as he did so. He didn't want this to happen.
He felt trapped and useless. He shifted and turned so his body faced his low bdd; resting his mop of backish purple hair on the side of the bed. He huffed and closed his yellow eyes.
Suddenly he felt a light tap on his bare shoulder. His fluffy purple cat like ears shot up, alert.

But am I losing my mind? I really think so.
Not a creature in sight. But what you don't know is that...

(YN) was behind him, a look of worry etched in her face. Her (CE) shone through the darkness. Keith turned and swallowed thickly.
"Wh-what are you doing? Stay-stay away...i do-don't want to hurt you..." (YN) shook her head, her (CH) fell in front of her face, hiding her almost.
"I'm not leaving you. Keith, you need some one...i can't leave you because...i don't want you to feel alone..." (YN) voice was like honey, smooth and pulled Keith into a trance like state. She didn't care that he was Galra. He was still Keith. Her boyfriend. Right?

My breathing gets faster. And so does my heartbeat. I wish this was over. I wish this was a dream but...

"Stop, I can't control it..." Keith's face was red. He didn't want his girl to him like this. But, (YN) had other ideas. She tugged on his belt, getting his attention. Keith blushed and turned to face his girlfriend.
"You're fine. Everyone is okay and everyone is here. We're all here..."

I created  a monster, a hell inside my head. Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own. Oh, I'm so scared. I created a monster, a beast inside my brain. Nowhere to go, I'm not on my own
My Mind impaired to wake me from my nightmare.

Keith looked into her eyes, before collapsing in her arms.
"I created this...please. Stop the nightmares..." Keith begged (YN). She gave in and hugged him close. She whispered sweet nothings in his ears and ran her hands through his messy black hair.
"You're not a monster. You are Keith Kogane. The red Paladin of Voltron. My star boy. My dream...." (YN) shook with tears.
"Stay..."She smiles.

One Shots Reader x Voltron Paladins Where stories live. Discover now