Chapter One: Praimfaya

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6 years ago

Clarke's POV
I choked from lack of oxygen as the wave of nuclear radiation chased me. Keep running. I was exhausted, short of breath, and terrified. I had nightblood, but would it work? Most likely no. I choked back a sob as I thought about Bellamy. In space now. Back where we came from. I never got to say goodbye. To tell him i love him. You never know when your last day is, when i woke up today I thought i would be safe in the bunker. Waiting until the radiation levels were safe. But we couldn't leave Raven. My best friend. I thought. Murphy. Monty. Harper. Even Echo and Emori. I never got to say goodbye. And now ai gonplei ste oden. My fight was over. The wave of radiation was mere feet behind me. Tears ran down my face. It's over. I closed my eyes as i ran. Bellamy. I sobbed. Bellamy i love you, i wish i could tell you, i wish you were with me! His face lit up the blackness of my memory. I'm always with you Princess. He said. I smiled despite the tears dripping down my face, as i breathed my last breath. May we meet again.

Bellamy's POV
The sound of the rocket lifting off rang over and over in my ears. My chest felt hollow. I stared at the ceiling, the tears falling. Clarke. My sobs filled the tiny space. Murphy and Raven exchanged a look, and Raven put her hand on mine. I turned to her "i never got to say goodbye" i sob. Raven's eyes fill with sadness, and a tear falls down her cheek, "i know Bell" As we continue to hurtle to the original ring of the ark, memories run through my head. Clarke's laugh. Her smile. Her fierce bravery, and stubbornness. Always thinking of others. I love her. And now she's gone. There is pain so strong it consumes you, takes over your ever thought. Feels like an icy fist around your heart. Shattering you into pieces. I pull out the drawing of herself she made for me. I trace her face with my finger and a tear drops on the paper, spreading the ink. In peace may you leave this shore, in love may you find the next, safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May be meet again.

Sorry this chapter is so short. The next ones will be longer, i'm just setting up the background. Hope you enjoy the story! ❤️💫

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