Waking Up In The Middle Of No Where : Ethan's Point of View

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*Opens eyes*

*Breaths in smoke*


Where are we?  I ask Brittany whos already standing up.

I.....I dont know....She says shivering.

Its cold here though I do know that.  She adds rubbing her hands together.

It will be ok love.  I say getting up and putting my coat on her sholders.

Thank you...  She says smiling up at me.

How come you never told me you were a vampire?  I say standing back alittle.

If I told you...*Looks down* then I would have to kill you...*starts to cry*  I would never want to hurt you... Brittany said starting to walk away from me.

*Rushes up to her grabbing her hand pulling her back into my arms*

It's ok... I say hugging her tight.

How come you never told me you were a werewolf...?  She says not leaving my arms.

If I did you would be in great danger.  I say.


Well you see...when your a werewolf you are always on the move....and the pack would have to turn you into one of us...but the pack knew that I was the one who would have to leave and love the enemy... so they abandond me in London.  Since we all knew that the vampires were gathering in Itally I had to transform and rush over there to meet you... I explain to her.

I knew you were my other half when I first layed my eyes on you...I love you Brittany... I add kissing her head.

I love you too Ethan....She says looking up into my green eyes.

As I look into her purple eyes I see love and trust.

To self:

I felt this when I first meet her... I love her soo much I never wanna let her go.  Im glad that were both imorttal and can love forever.

Where do we go now? She says looking around.

Well lets see....how about this way. I say pointing in the direction of a forest.

Ok.  Brittany says walking towards the forest.

*Looks at her*

Hey!  I chuckle. Wait for me!

 Ha Ha never! She laughs and rushes off into the twilight forest.

As I chase after her i feel like im starting to transform.

MUST NOT TRANSFORM!! I tell myself.

Ok im good now....wow that was a close one... I say under my breath.

As i see her hind behind a oak tree I go past her and make a circle.

As i  creep up on her i come out behind her and say.


Ahh!! Ha Ha!!  She laughs then sits down under the tree.

As i sit next to her i say.

So where are we going to go?? I say questionably.

I dont know... Brittany says stareing up at the stars.

But it doesnt matter to me....as long as where together im happy.  She adds

As i look into her purple eyes i say.  Yea together forever my love. 

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